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It's finally time for the first beta release of v0.3.3 and I'm really looking forward to your feedback. This version includes new breast sizes and the beginning of the Erica storyline. A full changelog will be posted on Discord, so if you're interested in more details join there. (Link is in the game)

With this version I'm also for the first time introducing WebGL support, so you can now play the game directly in the browser. Some people have reported that this also works on some mobile devices, but Unity officially doesn't support that, and I haven't gotten it to work on any of my iOS devices, so don't get your hopes up. Maybe it'll improve if I upgrade Unity, but at least the game works without downloading now. Although I think that will mostly be a good thing for getting more people into the free version than here. So when I put out v0.3.2 for free in the next few days, then I'll try to also add a WebGL build.

WebGL Access 

Standalone Download:




The best way to report any bugs is through Discord, as always. Thank you for writing down any issues.




Just played the new beta and enjoyed it. I couldn't find a way to unlock the wardrobe once it had been locked - probably just me. After I got stripped naked, I couldn't buy any more clothes though, and that seemed like a bug. I even ended up dressed as Japanese schoolgirl by Himari then stripped naked by Abigail, and since I couldn't buy clothes I kept ending up running back to my room because I didn't have enough clothes on. I also failed to find the Hanko, again, probably just me.


Not really a bug no ;) they are disabling your wardrobe. These systems were the same in previous builds btw


I love the changes especially the new art. Is the Himari path the only one right now, or is there a way to avoid her? Ah wait nevermind I read the other post, I just have to give her the stamp


I really thought I was *sometimes* able to buy clothes from the vending machine even when the wardrobe was locked. (It's not clear to me why the locked wardrobe prevents you buying a new outfit: I mean, it doesn't make any sense that I can see. Nor why the one thing you can buy are sunglasses that make everything blurry?) I also suspect I didn't look for the Hanko while Himari was painting. By the way, if the player can't effectively lay the same trap twice (even if the code lets them), what do you think of offering a hint like "They may not fall for that same trap a second time though"?


I feel that it has let me place sticker traps on the 'right' set of weights multiple times - even though it seems to be simply wasted as you can't then trigger it. I feel about 90% confident of that. I can check next time I play. I think it let me do that with the new Beta, and also with the previous version, and in earlier ones too. I'm not certain, but I do think it has let me. From what you say, it's not supposed to be possible: so, knowing that I'll pay more attention to that in future plays.


Hi, does anyone know where to find Himaris stamp on the new update?


Love the new update! Some comments: 1. It just feels the Erica quest line is a bit out of pace with the gameshows. At least she didn't do much with me until after week 4. 2. I really like the new Himari Art when she shows up, hope to see that one implemented at her locations too. 3. Too bad the contestant punnishments are fixed, not randomized. Some (small) issues I ran into, these might be some older bugs: 1. You don't get (notified of) popularity when avoiding the trap in the pool 2. Abigail's name seem to be different when injecting her 3. It doesn't seem to matter in which order you transform Abigail: She always seems to progress with the same alterations. 4. Masturbation has the icon to progress time, but it doesn't progress time Some ideas I would like: 1. It would be fun to force the contestants to wear some items from the wardrobe (You buy the clothes and force the contestant to wear it) 2. The game is a bit short with only 3 steps to transform your 3 opponents, you can easily get it done on normal difficulty before the end of week 4, Maybe some more transformations to them. 3. A bit more randomness to improve replayability. 4. Show required exhibitionism for clothes in the shop or wardrobe.


You are clearly a far more skilled player than I, Coday! I have not yet succeeded in TF-ing any of the other contestants, lol!


Thank you for the detailed feedback. (Wanted to answer from my phone but it doesn‘t really work well to write a detailed list so I‘ll answer in more detail tomorrow when I‘m back at work - I’m teaching today)


Just confirmed that with the current beta I was able to apply the sticker twice to the weights in the gym, but was not able to take control of Abigail a second time. The sticker was wasted.


Just had Abigail steal all my clothes, a second time: but she left the swimwear (top and bottom) in the wardrobe, I discovered.


Oh and a tiny typo from Abigail when she asks you to say something "embarrasing" rather than "embarrassing" while streaming.


comments 1. The Erica questline is balanced for the full game time, while there are only four end-of-week shows out of 9 in the game yet. These will come later, but it makes sense that the Erica storyline is slower right now. It'll only be possible to properly balance this when all the content is in though. 2. Sadly I don't think the new Himari art will be usable at all. It just doesn't fit to the other character art style by our main artist, so I have to disagree with you there. It's way too flat colors and she doesn't look Japanese at all. ;) Sorry, but it'll probably get replaced again. I just still wanted to put it in the game because I wasted some of people's money on trying to get a second artist in to speed up the art pipeline, but I don't think it worked out well. 3. Unfixing contestant punishments would be a way too big branching. In game development it's important to keep the scope in mind. Also, this will make for way better storytelling in the long run. Issues 1. There's no popularity when avoiding certain traps, because the character will no actually do the action afterwards. For example, the pool water is contaminated, so avoiding it means going out of the water and not going in again afterwards. The game text does mention this, but I understand that people would not read everything 100%. ;) Still, it is what it is. 2. not sure I understand. just checked the dialogs and the name is the same? did you get her name change in the end-of-week show? 3. just tested this as well and it's working as intended, e.g. body proportions increase first when using Grow+ first, etc. 4. will fix ideas: 1. this will sadly not be possible because of the art pipeline. we will not be able to finance having all contestants wear all possible outfits in all the different graphics that we will have. will be too many different poses, it's just too expensive. getting different poses for the main character will be challenging already. 2. there will not be more tfs for the contestants, but there will be more content that goes in a different direction, e.g. making them allies instead, the game will always end after 8 weeks 3. i kind of like the idea of being able to learn the mechanics and therefor being able to do certain things a certain way. that said, the future content will not focus on disqualifying the other contestants and therefor the other content will be a bit different and also contains some randomness, e.g. I'm thinking about hiding the stamp on different spots etc. 4. will think about it. again, thanks for the detailed feedback :)


It's in the cabinet that has the paint in it (to the right of that room); look in all the little shelves, it's a small circular object.


Possible idea for the "art pipeline", if the second artist isn't able to get a style that works well with the main artist, consider using them to make "references" instead. That way when you're commissioning the main artist, you can save some time on the early drafts if the second artist can at least get the pose/details/colors right.


This version is pretty good, hoping you'll eventually add more hips/butt/thighs growth to complement the breast expansion in this one. One possible idea, it seems like it takes a really long time for the "submission" to accumulate from Erica; just as there aren't many ways at first to have it happen, and later on it, it takes a really long time with her blackmail events unless the player is doing it on purpose. My suggestion, have her throw in the "butt plug" earlier as a blackmail event, and have it cause submissiveness each morning that it's still in the player; that way her story can progress a little bit faster as it's more of a constant over time thing. Keep up the great work on the game.


I thought in other versions I was able to put a sticker on the treadmill, but haven't been able to in the new beta. I can also 100% confirm that it lets me put stickers on all the weights multiple times (Yeah, I bought about 16 of them), and stuck one on every set of weights. And then next time, could only Talk to her, not Take Control.


just to make this clear. this is intended behavior ;) it's just that it should send a message about it not having any effect at some point. will not fix this with the next patch, but it's on my list.


I‘m currently uploading beta 1c and it includes some balancing for Erica submission


I don‘t want to set the wrong expectations so I‘m going to say that I‘m pretty sure that these body proportions will be the final ones at least out of those not forcing specific clothes. I feel like the lower body proportions are already pretty big. Sorry.


Hmm, alright then. Well I'm glad the max size are quite big then (bigger than in most games). Also hope the Erica balancing adjusts things a bit more fast paced and interesting. Thanks.