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Yes, despite my lazy ass, I still wanna finish this! Just the key poses, no inbetweens yet, but the main event of the animation is taking shape~
I trimmed down on a lot of fat for now (you can see the rest of the animation in the previous WIP!) to focus on linearting the main part of the animation, but I'll be adding it back soon~ For now, I wanna work on this section until it's smooth!



Kelvin Frost

Oh my gawd the tiddy drop is outta this world 😍


I’ve said it once and by the emperor ill say it again Blaziken boobs are best boobs


Ohhh it's already shaping up to look very very good :3 A lot of hard work but I'm sure it will pay out x3 The key poses are great so far ^w^ Hanako is really a treat that keeps on treating us :3 Also don't stress yourself too much x3 you're not lazy, you recently provided us with picture and variants that are already more than Patreon can handle in file size xD I wouldn't call that lazy haha


It's getting there :3 The timing is all kinds of wrong though without inbetweens! I hope it'll look much better though~


Thank you :3 Well, I did put this aside for a whole month, so I'd say I was being at least a bit lazy about it, every month has to stand on its own~


Well okay that's fair I guess x3 I'm sure it will come out fantastic in the end :3