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(Shoutout to Rasiku Campbell for almost guessing the name of the stone and also inadvertently making up a better name for it lmao (also a nice anagram).)

Nebula model by Mavixtious 

Voiced by Kittenvox 


Two reasons why this took long to make (Excuses ahoy):

1.) Real life stuff. Unfortunately can't be helped.

2.) Particle effects. This was supposed to be the project that broke me out of my comfort zone of not doing particle effects. You'll notice with the sound effects I wanted a lot more going on when Nebula first put on the stone. You'll notice from the animation that I referenced the film itself and I also wanted little lightning strokes coursing through her body. I also wanted a lot more to go on whenever she'd *use* the stone but I just could not make it look good. That alongside the aforementioned real life stuff just made me give up on it decided to save particle effects for another day.

That's all. As usual, hope you guys enjoy and have a mawesome Holiday 🤠.




fantastic work

ChefTheGamer _

Man, you are freaking amazing. Happy holidays. You are one of my favorite creators on Patreon.

No Name

Well done as always!


Totally worth the wait! Awesome work. 😁👌


Amazing! Any chance you can insert more massive creampies next time ? Also is there a chance you can make Nubula go to a gloryhole next time?


Amazing job! Not enough Guardians goodies out there. This was hot and fun. Happy Holidays and thank you :D

Mr. Z

This is why you're the GOAT. You're always improving such that there's always something new & exciting to look forward to in your presentation. Also, I hope the real life stuff wasn't too bad but if it was, remember that we support you even if it's just with our words & wallets. I hope you have a great holiday as well. 👍 PS - I laughed my ass off at Kitten's delivery of "the slut stone!" She's so hilarious sometimes. 😂


Amazing. For the next Nebula's animation, could you make the creampies a little more massive please ? A scene in a gloryhole could also be refreshing in my opinion ;)


Brooooo this was your best yet my guy!! I deff need part 2 asap

Dr Pepper

Your best animation yet. More of Nebula plz ❤️


Nebula is out here solving the real issues of the universe. Nebula 2024...who would be her running mate? I liked her proportions both before the stone and after. Kudos to the comic-style title for "the Slut Stone" As I said before, I prefer your work to be done "Right" instead of "Right Now". So if you feel you had to let the particle effects go this time around, then it is all good.


So good! I love the humor and as usual Kitten is so good on the vocals. Thanks! Happy Holidays


Oh, after a quick rewatch, I wanted to give you props on the reflection effects on her metallic body. Like how the light moves across her face as she is giving the boo job.


"I need more"... So do we!!!! Seriously though - simply incredible and jaw-dropping. Everything about it - the animation, the story, the voice (superb job Kitten)... simply amazing.


This is amazing! Outstanding work, you are the best!!!

Andrew LaVoie

Amazing video and amazing voice acting.

Rasiku Campbell

Thanks for shout out Redmoa! This was a pretty cool animation. It kind of feels like it needs a part two after that ending. Where Nebula bites off more than she can chew, but if not, this was still great. I gave a chuckle when she called him a weirdo.

Mr. Z

Nebula uses the slut stone to make one guy get aroused by her feet, then calls him a weirdo for getting aroused by her feet. What a cruel bitch. I'd still fuck her. lol.

Fire 4616

Redmoa, another amazing video. The footjob scenes you make are the best! ♡

Taylor Epps

this was very good!


love it! You're so talented!


love it! you're so talented!

Nick Jones


Mr. Du-Dah

Like what her dad said to Thor at the end of Avengers Infinity War when he got his new powers, “You should have gone for Thanos.”


Hello there, new here, is there a download everything linked somewhere?