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Had fun with this one! Considering if we should do another in this set haha

Time taken: 17 hours over 4 days

Please Respect our 1 Month Sharing Rule:
Please don't share these publicly the same month they were posted!

Leaks hurt our ability to pay for food/bills for the both of us and our families.

If it keeps happening, we'll have to stop drawing NSFW to go back to our day jobs, we don't want that for y'all. Nakey version

We'll also have to change up our formula for posting lewd content here soon since some folks can't seem to respect the 1 month rule.




Justin Dicke

Loving the Ahri but I will admit I’m more excited to see best girl Gwen in here :P


If this turns into a series I am here for it.


A version with Tali or orianna would be fun but anyone with this series would be!


It’s honestly so annoying that ppl are sharing this stuff, you guys clearly work rly hard

The Pose Archives

Cute! The measuring is great, in both versions haha


Ahri is already my favorite girl but I love how her outfit was reimagined as a bunny girl corset. It's so cute! Also, nice booba. <3


Ahri! Gwen making new Ahri bunnysuit! 😍😍😍


Also, Ahri's expression in that first one. Like, "WTF Really?" And then the excitement of new suit, with bunny tail! And then ❤


That’s a huge bummer that people keep leaking your stuff :(


Gwen is just soo cute. Sucks that people don't respect the repost rules though :/


Honestly, showing lewd versions at the end of the month maybe the best idea.


Yeah that might end up being the way it goes so we don't have to just stop nsfw all together


I'm fine to wait until the months end, just a shame that you might have to do this as some folks leak your stuff 🙁


I don't get why people keep leaking. Seriously, just wait for the one month. It's not that long at all. Whatever you need to do to keep the leaks down is fine by me. I'm just glad to support the amazing art that you two keep creating


Just leave the NSFW versions until you send stuff out at the end of the month! If you only make NSFW versions for whatever reason, do emoji censors on the post and clarify the uncensored will be released in the end of month email :)


Honestly it's a tough choice for you, moving NSFW to the end of the month emails seems fine for already subscribed patreons, and most probably wouldn't mind too much, but it can represent a really large entry barrier for new subscribers - paying and virtually getting nothing for the money can be confusing and disappointing - once someone decides to actually spend money on a product, they will want to see the reward for their money and will hardly want another time barrier. At that point I assume you just have to assess and guess whether the change is worth it, as the only goal is increasing the number of subscribers, and I don't know whether that would harm or help it.


League of butt

Matt C

I’m sorry about the leaking! I bought the “everything” membership just to support and download your work but I’d never share it. BTW love the cute way she’s trying to play with her outfit!


I just saw the leak and commented on some site... I became Patron 2 days ago because I absolutely love your work <3


it sucks if people here are leaking the nsfw stuff, id hate to see you stop doing it because of it. if you need to change how you do it make only post the sfw and just mention there is a nsfw in the post and then only share it at the end of the month when you give out the dropbox links via dms.


I don't understand why people are posting the Patreon exclusive stuff...let it be exclusive. I would definitely change the way you post it because that's not fair to you or your patrons.


It sucks that keeps leaking, but moving them to the end of the month wouldn't be so bad.


All of this LoL art has been a blessing, and especially Ahri. Crossing my fingers for more!

Sebastian Yost

The first patron I ever had literally took snaps of my art and unsubscribed same day. Learned my lesson. Moral of the story, I feel your pain.


I really do love those expressions. They seem so full of life


How can I see the nsfw version?