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Still working on the new scene for Qiyana, it's drawn but needs colors.

Minor update, on top of the stress lately, my landlord wants to charge my family extra because of the kids??...

So I'm definitely going to have to pack up and move soon. Wish me luck!


Gaming Eelektross

Of all the things to charge extra for...why?


Good luck

Chibi Tiger

That friggin sucks dude. Hopefully you're able to relocate easily enough.

Patrick Monroe

I hear landlords make for an excellent stew. (Slight) kidding aside, best of luck finding a new place. Good on you for getting out of that situation.


If you live in the US im pretty sure that is against the law. I haven't been subscribed that long, did you just have children?

Carlos Santiago

That landlord wack. Best of luck, dude!


Hang in there fam, we are here to support you and we can wait patiently


That's rough, hope it all goes smoothly!

Conall Brown

Hey you do what you need to do and take the tine to do it.


fuck that landlord


Shit, I'm sorry to hear that, fuck all landlords honestly


That is a pile of suck, sorry you're having to deal with that. You take the time you need, we are patient and we got your back!


Man, landlords suck. :(


If you landlord is trying to raise your rent because you have kids, that’s illegal in most countries. If you’re in the U.S., It violates the Federal Fair Housing Act as it’s considered discrimination and is a pretty serious offence. You can report the landlord to a local enforcement agency or your local HUD office (US Department of Housing and Urban Development). They will compel the landlord withdraw their demands and possibly fine them. You will also have the offense on record, so you’ll be protected if they try anything else in the future. You can also go to a fair housing organization such as: https://nationalfairhousing.org/. They can guide to local organizations and offer advice as to how to deal with your landlord. If you’re also already in the middle of a lease, the landlord cannot legally raise your rent. If you’re in a commonwealth country (UK, Canada, Australia etc.) or the EU it’s also illegal. Get in contact with your local council, they will give you the aid you need. I’d recommend you push back against your landlord. If what your saying is accurate, they don’t have a leg to stand on and are violating federal law. I’ve been in a similar situation and know that you can feel powerless at first, but you have rights and I’d strongly suggest you exercise them. That’s as much constructive advice as I can give as I’m a layman, but if you have any questions of anything, feel free to contact me.


Good luck 🍀❤️

Songbird of Zeon

That's so crooked! Best of luck to your move!


Good luck!💚


Good luck! Hope things will become better soon <3


I'm sure that's frustrating for you, it sucks that this is happening. I am sure this landlord got hard fucked by covid and is struggling as well. still doesn't mean they should do this to your family it's just all around shitty, but you will make it through this stay strong!