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Submit your suggestions for new content here! 

So, let's chat about what kind of content you'd like to see.

I've been enjoying the Snap stuff. I know you all like Scene based pieces~

Should I keep doing character pages? Or would you like short one-shot comics? More snaps? Let me know down below. :D 



Why not just do a mix of everything. Set up a schedule for one of each to be the weeks major project and rotate priority through type of project.

Viktor Engholm

Honestly, I just wanna see what you feel like doing :D Been loving the snaps, of course, so wouldn't mind seeing more of those, but seeing comics from you would be dope!


Id love too see some short comics, but i also love the snaps


snaps and character pages are neat.


I like everything you do T_T so I'm not any help at all lmao


Snaps are great, but my favourites were always your character pages. I love your linework!


Short comics would be amazing!