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After many years, she is back, Silent Rose makes her grand return.

Rival to Kira Rose, Silent Rose is one of the best assassins in the faction they both share. Taking a slightly more subtle approach to her missions than Kira does. What Kira does with raw power and haphazard execution, Silent Rose does with grace and poise. Leading her to be higher up on the ladder than Kira. Although Kira is only in it for the results and pay, Silent is in it for the praise. 

She is a rather strange one as assassins go. It was originally her who was set up to assassinate Oki in a old briefing mission and was set to do recon work before the murder date would take place. But after seeing the company in which he kept and the raw power of his companions, she came to the conclusion that the information that was given to her was a red herring. As none of the information added up to how they portrayed Oki in his briefing. As such she decided to go against orders as she felt he was no threat to them or to anyone else. With this news it was then given to Kira Rose to assassinate Oki.

After being told of this news she let her presence be known to Oki, telling him of the eventual events that would possibly take place. Within a few minutes of this venture, Kira arrived with the full intent to kill Oki. It was at this moment in time when Silent Rose went against not only her faction, but Kira too. She chose to defend this man she never knew over siding with her fellow assassin in which she had known for many, many years.

It was a long sought battle but, in the end, Silent Rose came out on top and managed to force Kira to retreat. As Kira ran she heard Silent cussing her out, being too ignorant of the facts that laid in front of her. The she was being played by the faction they were from and that she needed to open her eyes to the truth and their possible intent and agenda. 

After this Silent Rose met with Oki and explained the circumstances of both her and Kira to him. He was grateful for all that she had done and with this couldn't thank her enough for all she did, all her help, and to him, was her hero. To this praise, Silent had never heard so much before, her face beamed a bright red and pink. It was like her eyes turned to neon. She tingled all over, she was shaking, and without even thinking, she picked up oki and gave him a hug, pressed against her massive bosom, she was both aroused and happy. She stayed like that for a few minutes before putting down the nearly passed out Oki. Still a fluster, she said she was heading off, to see if she could unravel the plot of her now old faction. As she was a now rouge assassin, with no alliance. Well... not exactly... After the praise she got from oki, she swore she would protect him until the time came she knew he would be safe. Though in her mind, she knew she would never have to leave him as his company would always be dangerous. But this is what she wanted. She revaled in the fact of getting potentially more praise from Oki for doing good work. With those words she left him, to not only find Kira, but to also find out what was going on with the faction and the bigger picture as to why they wanted to snuff out Oki and his team.

Yes...she gets super horny and aroused by being told positive feedback. To a point where she goes crazy... With this being said...

A few years passed and she finally returns to Oki and the crew. Managing to find out much information on the faction and what their plans are. As she greeted Oki with a massive hug again, she noticed a massive figure pressing behind him, staring her down...

It was Kira... 

What the hell was Kira doing here, she pondered. A lot has changed since she had been away, so its only now that she will find out what has changed in Kira's agenda as to why she is now protecting Oki too instead of trying to kill him...

How will this rivalry unfold now?... Who knows... I guess we will just have to watch and find out!



Phantom Reaver 225

Liked her backstory and this is some damn good artwork!


Oooh that's nice I want to read more about the Oki-verse where can I do that?=D