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how long have i been imprisoned here in ALfheim...? 

what's that!? kirito is alive! I have to escape this cage. If i look in the mirror I can see the code reflected.....8.....11.....3.....2.....9....... 

kirito im coming!


y'all! i am finally feeling well enough to cosplay and film again!! i really hope u like the asuna cosplay, it was made possible by one of you lovely lovely patrons ♡ please expect a patreon-exclusive video early next week. THANK YOU for being patient with me while i've been bouncing in and out of the hospital!! i'm really feeling optimistic abt recovering this time, new meds, better care instructions :) hope y'all are all taking care of yourselves and finding joy each day!!! 

xx mel



Sleepy Wil

Wow Mel!! These came out even more incredible than I could've possibly imagined. Blowing expectations out of the water, as always ^_^ Thank you so much for sharing the photos, you'll have the equally as OP Kirito saved in no time! :P


i hoped to see your feet n these awesome pictures, you look nice