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Hi everyone, LD+ r57.0b is now out!

Download: Link 

This release mainly features Nymph's post route events! Been very busy thanks to the holidays (Happy holidays for everyone who celebrates!,) so couldn't quite get done anything for those more interested in female partners, but that will definitely change for next release!

Also, last release I was working on Linda's ankle stocks stuff in the private dungeon, and accidentally left the event unlocked. I've relocked the event for now, as the scenes aren't ready yet (and will actually load Fawn/Alissa's scenes I think,) but I'll definitely be working on getting that done.

Will follow up with poll results, plans and tier perks soon!


-Added Nymph's post-route events

-Added scene for being defeated in underground arena while bound

-Fixed Bondage Blindfold disappearing the first time Fawn grows a cock during private dungeon

-Fixed NPC BG overlay being offset when NPC portrait is moved

-Fixed wrong dialogue when being let out after subbing to Fawn in pillory stocks

-Fixed unremovable lower undies being offset when in pillory stocks

-Fixed wrong text being displayed when being defeated in underground arena



Happy holidays

Alan Guerreiro

What else can you give Nymph besides the fish soup

John Platypus

Merry Christmass everyone!


Cheers, and happy holidays.


What am I supposed to do after I help nymph with his hunting


What do i give nymph ? I can only give him a weird fish 🤣


How do you progress Alissa's route? I've taken a bath, and slept with Cassie, and then talked to Cassie, but I don't know what to do past that


Try having Cassie change clothes a bunch of times! Note that she can't be pregnant for this.