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Hey all, I've updated the download links to r55.1b!

Download: Link 

Haven't had a bugfix release in a while, huh? This fixes a bunch of the bugs in Under Temple, plus some general ones. Changelog is appended below.

Here's the current poll results!

After thinking about it, the preggers event I'm planning from this poll only really makes sense to happen after gold mine (for certain reasons.) So the plan currently is to work on it after gold mine is done! Just fyi for those anticipating it.

Next release, should hopefully finish Under Temple. On the priority list after that is lab reclamation, and gold mine!



-Fixed bug where you can appear on the same side as Nymosa during Under Temple events

-Fixed Tophat cutting bangs

-Fixed crash when inserting cock into hole in Under Temple

-Fixed expression repositioning being slow after tunnels in Under Temple

-Fixed being able to domme Fawn on pillory stocks without getting her approval first



Nymosa is still appearing on the same side as PC in the temple


found a error, when doing the three day chastity and your about to give fawn a massage, the image of her in the pillory is there instead of the normal image