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Hey everyone, I've updated with the latest guide and kink polls!

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Here are the latest poll results!:

For next month, I'll likely finish Under Temple, as well as work on the preggers event. A lot of people have also been asking about Bell's quest and the Science Lab Tower reclamation. I'll do my best to get to working on those as well!




Good luck 👍

Andreas Losem

I have an idea: a vote by the Patrion members as to which character will have a continuation of their story


What do you mean continuation of their story

billy brooks

I'm curios how you will add incest (if you were to add it)


In all honesty, I'm more curious to see how you will add fishing in the science lab, as well as a few other places such the government building or the church (I think?) In Upper New Ark City, but one step at a time, I suppose ... will say this though, the temple was pretty fun to go through so far (I did try the successful routes, but I didn't try giving in/failing the checks yet)


I unfortunately can't, as it's against Patreon's terms of service. If I were to, it probably wouldn't be in LD+, since I think doing it properly requires the type of story that LD+ doesn't really allow for


We'll get to them in time for sure! Glad you're enjoying temple!

Komrade Heavy

I'm curious if there is more to be added to the deserted base and more interaction with Mystira

Caitriona Trobosky

I'm honestly more curious about learning Lust Doll's backstory and what led to waking up in that pod in the ruined lab to be honest... The MC doesn't have a past and their immediate present and future is filled with mis/adventure, sex, possible enslavement, torture and/or death, so I kinda wanna know about what the MC's history is and maybe more about the world around us and how it ended up in such a state...


A lot of people actually have wondered about this XD. We'll find out, eventually, maybe!