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Hi everyone, thanks for waiting! LD+ r54.0b is now out!


This starts off the under temple portion of Nymosa and Nymph's routes. It's not quite completed yet, so do keep that in mind when you're saving while inside it (if you accidentally get yourself trapped in there, you can use the autosave in slot 1, which will bring you to before entering.)

Will post poll results, tier bonuses and plans for next month's release soon!


-Added Under Temple events

-Added body customizations: antlers (nubs, small and regular), fox ears and deer tail (no graphics)

-Fixed so that slaver in slave house basement will remember if you attacked him

-Fixed bug where autosave occurs during captured by Don extended bad end

-Fixed wrong graphics for becoming a guard slave ending

-Fixed issues with clothes being reequipped after being captured by slavers

-Fixed being able to meet Fawn in restaurant after she runs off

-Fixed layering issue with slimy status

-Fixed graphical issues with slave clothes

-Fixed graphical issues with cock being over lower clothes when pregnant

-Fixed graphical issues with pregnant belly


Andrew Kutis

I forget, are we able to grab some of the magic water inside the desert city and use it to cure Bella (I forgot her name) and give her boobs again, or has that not been implemented yet? And if it's not implemented, when can we expect it to be implemented by? Same for the science tower reclamation quest where we get rid of all the flesh and junk that's plastered on every floor.


how do you get further into the temple? I can't seem to find anything new there


Nope i haven't because I have yet to figure out how to progress further after waking up after the initial visit to the facilities. My character knows they are missing, but nothing else has materialized to hint at what to do.


You need to bring certain items to each of the kitsune and neko blocking the way!


Yeey new update, i just wanna ask about The preggy stuff.. Is it gonna be in next one? Or is it hidden in This one? Haha^^


Not yet, I've only just started on it! It'll be in in the next few releases!

Justin Evans

The new update is probably going to look amazing once I get to that part also were are the ripped jeans in the game now? I remember them being in the sports goods store in New ark but don't see them anymore were they put in a different store?


I think they're still in the underground mall, in the goth/punk wear store!