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Hey everyone, I'm feeling better now. As mentioned, I contracted Covid, and was dreadfully sick for about a week and a half. The worst part was when it got into my throat, making it extremely painful to swallow (some people have likened the pain to sticking daggers into your throat.) I couldn't eat anything and barely drank any water for about 2 days.

I'm thankfully mostly recovered now, aside from a persistent cough. Hopefully won't have any long term effects. It goes without saying, but please take whatever measures you can to avoid getting Covid.

For the next release, I plan to put it out on the 20th. I don't have a whole lot done, but it'll have to do for now. After I get it out, I'll start catching up on replying to comments and messages, and hopefully get things back to normal starting next month.

Thanks for being patient!



Nyaa COVID sucks take your time *Headpats*


No te esfuerces demasiado y ten cuidado con las recaídas. Es mejor tardar un poco más que arriesgar la salud


I've had it twice. Don't forget to keep resting, it tends to recur. Hope you have a speedy recovery.

Paweł P

Good to know you are recovering. Don't force release at cost of health. Recovery is priority.


Really happy you're doing well. I'll be a patron regardless of pauses in releases, so don't rush it. The stuff you've created for us is already well worth contribution. Rest!!

Cole Blackblood

Glad you're doing better! COVID is nasty stuff, here's hoping the long-term stays away. Take your time with the update, we can wait! :)

Lee Thompson

I *still* wear a mask if I'm going to be around groups of people (especially indoor).


please don't push your self

John D Jones

Speaking as someone who eagerly awaits the 20th of each month for the next release... just skip it this month. Fully recover and maybe pack a little extra into September's release or something. Assuming you live in the USA, you can get your vaccine or booster 3 months after either your first symptoms or your positive test. It is absolutely worth it. I'm morbidly obese with high blood pressure and diabetes who is over 50. During the initial pandemic I kept telling people "The reason you know I don't have COVID is that I'm still alive." In May and then August of 2021 I got both parts of the vaccine. In 2022 I got the booster and then, later, COVID. I had a mild case of the runs (which an over-the-counter anti-diarrhea drug cleared up that day). Then I had an asymptomatic 10 day paid "stay-cation" which I partly spent playing the previous version of Lust Doll.


Glad to hear you're getting better. =^) And don't go stressing yourself too much over not being able to do much; it's understandable, considering what happened.


Glad you're still with us. Don't worry about the release for this month; Just try to rest and get better!


In Spain the Covid has returned. Take care of yourselves people.


thank goodness