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Password: sevensauces

Latest Guide: Link 


-Added multiple bad ends after being captured by slavers

-Changed to allow being captured in slaver house even if defeated slaver caravan

-Added Bedroom and Bunny Slippers to underground mall shop

-Added Desert Tiara, Laurel Crown, Gold Laurel Crown, Bands and Rippled Bands to Sunshine city shop

-Revised map system in Desert

-Revised graphics for giant worm and giant flower

-Renamed Desert Forehead Gem Band to Desert Diadem

-Fixed issues with wearing hoodies with certain hairstyles

-Fixed not being able to run after fighting Pixie

-Renamed male pregnancy to ass pregnancy

-Fixed productive status not working for battles

-Fixed to allow doing *** with Gin during third training arc

-Fixed Manor encounters not giving frilled gloves if don't have any

-Fixed graphics for Black kimono

-Fixed issues when being milked while wearing chastity belt

-Fixed Chastity belt graphics issues when pregnant

-Fixed slaver tattoo and desert map carrying over on NG+



Your the best man


Heya. Thanks a mil! Just wanted to note that there's a weird glitch where the veil outfit isn't removed after being abucted from the brothel and I was wondering if there's a quick fix to remove all clothing when there's no access to the "Wear" tab?


hey i am having a hard time downloading with both links for win


Heya, I am having a glitch where none of the images are showing up. When I talk to the npcs or when I go to look at my character.


Slight bug when going to the Desert Town going in and out starts causing the player icon to vanish and not allow you to move around, you can still access everything else but you can no longer move. I have found that closing the game or reloading a previous save will temporarily fix the problem until you do the same thing. Also this bug follows when you enter the slave house, exit the back way and head around the right side of the town.


Sorry for the late reply. Does this still happen with the latest release? And what OS are you playing on?