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Hi everyone, thanks for being patient! r51.0b is now out!

Download: Link 

I've been pretty exhausted, especially after the r50 milestone release, so unfortunately there isn't as much story done this time. I did add something though, that will make it much easier to do a certain type of character customization, so look for that in the changelog!

Because of the late timing, there likely won't be a 51.1b bugfix release (unless something really big ends up breaking!) Will post latest kink poll results and tier perks soon!



-Added getting captured by slavers

-Added barber in Sunshine

-Added a buyable desert map in Sunshine

-Added a chest in Temple

-Added Hair Master to Science Lab Tower shop

-Fixed graphical issues with gimp suit

-Fixed Harpy Roost positioning in Desert not working properly

-Fixed Veil Top not being considered indecent

-Fixed held items being behind cloak

-Renamed Desert Tiara to Desert Forehead Gem Band

-Renamed Forest Boots to Thick Boots

-Fixed desert town northern entrance not resetting exhaustion

-Fixed wrong identifiers used during brothel scenes



So all characters images are not showing up at all.


Has rare device been added to the game yet? Or is the hair master a placeholder?

Caitriona Trobosky

You okay? If game development has gotten you so worn out maybe its time you re-adjust the release schedule. I doubt anyone here will be upset if you take more time to work on things than you have been, especially if you're suffering burn-out trying to keep to your schedule. Burn-out is no joke and can lead to you hating the very thing you've put so much work into... Alternatively I hope everything is okay in your personal life and if you need to take a break, just say so... Hell It might lead to inspiration by stepping back, putting the tools down, talking to everyone and just heading outside and taking time to yourself and your own personal needs. Who knows?

Ronan Inozuka

If you need to take a break then you should. Yes releasing content is important but at the end of the day you won't be able to release shit if you don't take care of yourself first. Take if from a published author who wound up taking 5 YEARS to release his first book. I wound up getting so exhausted at one point that I had to stop working on it for about 4 months. So trust me, take some time off if you need to. Maybe not as long as it took me to release my first book tho xD.


-Added a buyable desert map in Sunshine -Added a chest in Temple


Hey, you reached over 50 Uploads monthly. Its time for you to take a break and slow your speed a bit. I am sure everyone here understands.


Check your settings, and make sure NPC portraits are turned on!


Thank you! I think I'm just particularly exhausted this time because of how much work went into r50. I'm generally good about pacing myself otherwise. I have thought about giving myself more time between releases, and it certainly does sound tempting, so maybe I'll see. Thanks again, I do appreciate the concern, and I definitely don't want to burn out either! I'll see how things go for r52, and reevaluate then!


Thank you, I think I'm just particularly exhausted after r50. I'll take it a bit easier on myself. Thank you, definitely appreciate the concern! And congrats on your book! It doesn't matter how long, as long as you don't give up!


Thank you, I'll consider it and see. I do like having the release number also be how many months straight I've been working on and releasing it though.


Is the rare device usable yet or is it for Linda's path?


Maybe you could add an npc or two that the community can add the dialogue for? That would ensure a small content Addition for an Update and a bit more free time for you!

Graeme Cracker

Or you could stick to solely bugfixes for a month. I think that would be useful, and require a lot less time-investment on your part


Hmm I'll consider community NPC, but it's pretty unlikely I think. That'll just take me away from working on the main NPCs and a lot of them have far too much left to do


Well a small thing. When the harpies bed you for the night. Or if you succeed at the desert dance checks. Would it then be the next day?


Hmm, theoretically yes, but the game doesn't really track that in the same way that sleeping in a bed does at the moment.