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Hey everyone, I've updated the download links with r45.1b! Changelog is appended below.


Here's the latest poll results! As mentioned last time, will be focusing on a pregnancy heavy event, based on your feedback. Look forward to it!

I've also started working on building the desert area. I'll likely need a few releases to prepare everything before it can be opened, but it's finally happening!

For next release, I'm considering private dungeon stuff, as well as going back to Bell, Gin and/or Kitty and working on them. They're pretty overdue for a route update I think!



-Changed to allow progression of Cassie's route without subbing to Fawn

-Fixed graphical issues with shibari while pregnant and futa

-Fixed beret being worn during Lin Lin revenge scene

-Fixed hair clipping issues with Top Hat

-Fixed Fawn being present in certain place when tied up in private dungeon

-Fixed being able to go to abandoned lab with Linda before you're supposed to



I was wondering last night if Gins arc had been completed 😅 would definitely be cool to see some of the characters with small arcs currently get a little bit of expansion


I was using r45.0, and I was able to do the Cassie route without subbing to Fawn, so was that a glitch or something..?


Bell's never-ending quest for bigger breasts ;-D Can't wait for her to get to the private dungeon too


Yay! It finally gets attention! XD Also, Cassies route got changed. Oooooh. :3


haha, not yet! When they're completed, you'll usually get to take them on a date


I'm dying to know what'll happen, but I can hold out; patience, must have patience!

Brandon S

Will there ever be the option to view characters from a different angle or two? Such as being able to switch to a "rear view" to see a character's butt? Even if maybe only in certain situations.


It unfortunately is difficult, mainly due to the different hair possibilities.

Brandon S

Good point. Well a man can dream! Really appreciate the response. Thank you!

Avell Productions

i have a question what you need to give to the fairy queen to defeat the flower

John D Jones

I could see doing some rear views with some of the NPCs but not the Lust Doll character because there's just way too many options for them.

Brandon S

Apologies! I meant NPCs, not the main character. But I like the main character idea as well!


Ahh, I see. Yeah, can definitely do that. Fawn actually already has a rear view XD

Brandon S

Believe me, I saw and loved it! Very well done. You do amazing work.