r0.2 out (Patreon)
The plan for next update is to complete the junkyard section (gang hideout, capture event, plus ???), which should be enough to release as a public demo. To give patreon supporters extra, I'll add some bonus stuff to the patreon release (that'll go to the public later)
Will also send out tier bonus stuff and reply to messages/comments soon.
-Added diagonal movement
-Put XXX option under kinks menu
-Respawns properly at rest points now
-Made CG darkening adjustments
-Setup a method for remembering last worn clothes
-Setup a method for dynamic text before choices
-Extended text skip function to apply to pauses too
-Re-vamped Cruss's portrait
-Can work at brothel
-Finished Options UI Graphics
-Added labyrinth mechanics
-Fixed bug where portrait extras don't show in battle
-Fixed bug where hp crush state wasn't showing