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Hello everyone! For February I ask you to pick two girls from the nine concepts and whatever you choose she will have NSFW girl and futa versions. If you have any suggestions for hair, accessories or spicy details, just leave them in the comments and I'll see what I can do.

The poll ends on February 1st. The concepts that finish third, fourth and fifth will be given a second chance in the March poll, and the four least voted will not but may return in the future. Let the games begin! :D

And between the 30th and 31st I will now present the advanced WIP of Bela, Cassandra and Daniela and soon Alcina Dimitrescu! :D


Tyler Bledsoe

..... another 2B..... 😒 Not that you wouldn't do a great job, but this is just gonna be another one in the pile of millions already out there. Really hope she doesn't win, but I guess we'll see if people will vote for something original or not


I didn't vote for her, but she's popular enough that I'm fairly surprised she's not already one of the pinups, haha. I'll be interested to see Digital Darks take on her if she wins!


I'm hoping Deer Girl pulls off a win! I like your idea of an ahegao face! Though honestly, the bashful innocent face in the source material would be a nice alternate face if you plan on doing two!


I would like to see some 80s comic characters like Thundercats, Masters of the Universe, GI Joe


Scarlett as well please! I have this figure from Kotobukiya and she's lovely. https://twitter.com/Kotobukiya_EN/status/1103837741656301568/photo/1

Gaia Minis

Really hope Reika can pull some votes, those curves are just so good!

SBC Drifting

really hoping the current standing changes, really liked the VR girl and gamer girl's from previous but I'm enjoying the style of characters you are portraying these days, shame people are just voting in a basic mash up of whats been posted before it feels

Captain N

it would have been a great birthday present for me if peach and lara won 😔 but i think gamer girl and deer girl will win in february 😁 which isn't bad either !!


She is amazing, I would love to make her! But if not this time, don't worry she will come back in the future :)

SBC Drifting

Like i dont speak for everyone here, this is just my view, its a shame that we get really good options and we just see the same Churn picked repeatedly, actually would love to see your take on a number of these however a lot are not the current go to, unless it's currently popular or just them in that face down split pose that's seems to be the requirement these days for taking a top vote. just don't want to get to a stage where I'm like, ah another great poll wasted with the same selection everyone else is doing, I know this is the way with user base voting as the mass picks, cant always get figures you want/like but I guess we can only see how the next view votes go


I understand. I try to vary the concepts as much as possible, varying the themes and mixing unknown and popular characters. And it was a big surprise for me to see the number of votes for Deer Girl, which is an artwork that I loved and was the last one I chose because I thought it would get few votes, even closer to other such popular characters that are in the poll. But it's always like this, I'm surprised by the results of half of the polls haha concepts that I think will win a lot of votes receive few and others that I thought would have few receive many! I would honestly love to do any of them, but of course the more original ones are more interesting. I'll try to think of something and find a way, but it's complicated mate.

SBC Drifting

I fully get it and its nice to see the range you do offer, The Deer girl I will admit I'm excited for but more the Cow version, I understand this is how polls work and I'm not trying to sound like I'm moaning which is a little hard to portray via text. i just don't want to see a loss of original work or your original takes on characters within the poll just replaced with, X character was picked cos that's the current popular one that every artist doing in X pose. Which i get you can only create whats picked, as not designed the top vote just would diminish the point of a poll your work is awesome and I've been here since the early days and seen so much good stuff come out, i'm more expressing my voice, i like the popular character as much as the next person, but as previous, i wanna see your take on a lot of things, not just the current trope Keep up the good work though and please don't see me as hating on you at all, its far from that this is just my opinion on the current last few polls


Ehh, I've only been around since November, but I'm liking the way the polls work so far. The three runners up from the last poll get thrown into the mix with 6 new options. Gamer Girl 3 didn't make it last time, but it may work out this time. I also like the mix of "popular" characters and original, or lesser known pin-ups. It's gotta be tough to find a mix of options that you think most people will care about every month.


If Gamer Girl 3 makes it this month, and other Patrons are interested, would you consider using something like anklet bracelets as opposed to socks or leg warmers to hide the cut lines? I really like the way the bare feet look in the source art you've posted!


Or even a pair of panties for one ankle (sorta like the pic) and an anklet for the other leg?

SBC Drifting

No i fully agree, the poll works well and the choice is great, giving missed ones a chance, and yeah I said I like the popular stuff as well as, his original work which is what drew me here in the first place. I'm simply stating my opinion and that's all it is, for example, I loved that Jinx was not in the arcane style and in his style made it really refreshing but when it appears everyone was doing it felt like when she hit the poll it was a dead cert, same with gwen with the recent spiderman release, So while I'm all for the popular I'm saying would be nice to just see more people voting for the less known stuff in his style, this month plays into that but with gamer girl 3 is chancing on being in Gewns pose of very similar to a previous gamer girl we had so that's all I'm expressing, I'm not dissing his work or the options, as this guy gives more than most for a fraction of the price after all, we are blessed to get so much! its simply my opinion and how i feel about the current polls, I'm not against them as i always vote and always hope the ones i want come out on top


Of course, if you all prefer I can make anklet bracelets instead of socks or warm legs. I'm studying making the cut close to the knees, in the crook of the leg, this would make the ankles and thighs more beautiful without cutting. We will see. The panties I have to study the best position to put in them (down to mid-thigh, pulled to the side on the butt, etc.).


Gamer Girl 3 overtook the 2B and got a good distance. For now she and Deer Girl are at the front, let's see :)


I agree with both of you and I'm always trying to improve the quality of my work and service to you. So I'll try to think of a way to make sure that both original and popular concepts have space, but like I said it's complicated :)


I wasn't knocking you, and I hope it didn't come across that way. Also, now I get what you were saying a bit better! I agree with you for the most part. I've emailed plenty of obscure poll suggestions. Source material that I'd love to see Digital Dark's take on. I do find it interesting that the last couple months the winners have been extremely popular characters, and the poll leaders as of right now are original or obscure works.

SBC Drifting

I like this guys Idea of panties on the ankle that would be pretty cool or even some form of jewellery to hide the seam seems good

SBC Drifting

@digital, I understand its complicated and I wouldn't ask or expect you to change anything, just voicing my point, I love how much your work has come on since joining and I cant wait to see you really push into new things with the concepts, like samus and the creature and the amazon mushroom, great little features that really make the figures come into their own with or with them @Beezelbub no I fully understand I think I even said, text can sometimes be taken multiple ways, I just wanted to expand on my point to say I'm not moaning or throwing a negative into the mix I just want his work to really shine and popular or not is does, i just like to see a vary, hence why I'm rooting for the Deer girl and even Shuten as I've never seen a really good version of her i like to always discuss rather than argue and i love how much as you say this guy takes on, always seems like nothings to far or off the time and always considered after all, makes being here so cool, i was just concerned it might fall into the hole of only popular items are gonna be hitting these polls and that's all we are gonna see :)


Don't worry, I understand and I appreciate all your suggestions. In fact, it was listening to the suggestions that I got here :)


Btw, Id love to see Triss and Yennifer from the witcher 3 in DDPU style!


Maybe in future polls we could get some Street Fighter ladies?