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Beautiful work of Beezelbub, I loved!

Zelda and Gwen are in the final stage of preparation and printing test and will be released on the 26th. They will have several options for exchanging parts, you will like it :D




Thanks! Still trying to figure out how to paint in this scale. It's certainly different than minis.


Awesome 👍! Can you tell me please color scheme wich you used for skin it's looks amazing!


Thanks! I started with a white auto primer. Basecoat was Daler Rowney Flesh Tint acrylic ink. I progressively added more Liquitex Titanium White to the flesh in my best approximation of a zenithal highlight pattern. For the more private areas I added a little Liquitex Naphthol Crimson to the Flesh Tint.

Rick Brasche

Im gonna try to copy the glasses off the Velma sculpt to put them on her. :)