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Hey everyone. I'm just letting you all know I'll be away on a vacation with my family for a week starting today. I probably won't be able to work on art while I'm away but I should still be able to check in on here and respond to messages. I wasn't able to get another pic done before I head off but I thought making an edit would still be worthwhile at the very least. I chose to do the bikini edit of the Erza pic I did since I know there was some interest from a few people to see that.

Sorry for the inconvenience and delay this will cause on the art but hopefully I'll be back before you know it. I'll be bringing my tablet with me in case I do end having some time where I can do some sketches so maybe I won't end up returning empty handed!


Mercy Frey

Enjoy your vacation! :)

Emmanuel Barrales

Have a fun and safe trip. Thank you for all the art you share.


The erza is so worth it, please enjoy the time off!


Enjoy your vacation with your family!

Iruma Mob 100

I hope you enjoy your vacation! And don’t worry about making us wait for art ^^ We just hope you enjoy your time with your family! 😊

Azahar Centeno

It doesn’t matter how long your vacation is, so as long as you remain safe and sound. In a time like this, the last thing I want to hear is: “I returned home… sick.” (Yeesh… a horrifying thought.) Just, stay safe.😳


Take care of yourself and enjoy your vacation

Princess Raven

Hope you're enjoying your self.