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Here's a little thing I made that I thought would be worth sharing with you all for the Holiday season. This pic is actually a part of something bigger that I'm currently working on so you could consider this to be a teaser of sorts for it but I also thought it worked well as it's own standalone image too. I'm hoping I'll be able to get this much bigger pic that I'm working on done in time before Christmas day arrives but I may end up cutting things close and end up having it done on Christmas Eve but if I do miss that date then it's likely I'll end up finishing it a day or two after Christmas day. Whatever does end up happening then as I usually say I hope it all ends up being worth the wait in the end.




The day you lewd Raven will be an epic one.

Iruma Mob 100

It looks great! And I can’t wait for the rest of it to be finished ^^ reminds me of that older Raven mistletoe pic where Jinx and Starfire were kissing her butt XD


A fantastic tease for her to do and excellent Christmas cheer!


Raven: Well? Kiss it


I'm up to the challenge. ^_^ *Kiss Kiss*


Tiny Beast Boy trapped in his human form desperately trying to get there, hopping up and down, while Raven continues to tease him. “Well, I got MY Christmas present.” Raven said, smirking over her shoulder at her cute boy toy.


oh boy


Yeah it's a bit similar to that one earlier mistletoe pic I did with Starfire and Jinx. I think I just like doing booty angles when drawing Raven.


well that's perfect for Raven


Looking forward to the next part!


Would gladly kiss the glorious cheeks!


Blink twice if I guess correctly, but I’m imagining a tiny Jinx or Starfire hanging onto the Mistletoe. I also think it would be really cool if it was Jinx to have Starfire there watching, either tiny or normal-sized.


Well, tradition must be followed!

Ichiro Houkou

OH LORD. How can one resist. Well whether its before or after Christmas I hope you have a good one!


Is French kissing allowed?


Raven don't tease me cuz I gladly will.


I'd start kissing and never stop


Thank you. I'm feeling optimistic that I'll get it done in time before Christmas day but we'll see what happens!


There won't be someone hanging onto the mistletoe but that wouldn't have been a bad idea either.

Azahar Centeno

Nope… Not going to say it. You’re NOT going to get me to say it. I won’t say it… I won’t say that… NO! No, I won’t say that… because it’s just too wonderful enough as is… ❤️(((😳)))❤️