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Hey Everyone. Sorry for the lack of activity as of late. I don't currently have anything to show right now but at the very least I thought I could give you a small status update on the state of things and where I'm at at the moment. 

Progress on the sketches has been coming along slow but steady. Admittedly I've been wanting to take things on the slow side just so I can enjoy a little bit of downtime in between the sets. That being said, I also do feel guilty for going this long without having something new to post so I've also been working on a little summer-ish themed image on the side that features Raven and Jinx which I'll hopefully have completed in the next couple of days. 

So if you're willing to bear with me for just a little bit longer then I'll have a new image to share with you all soon and have that followed up with the sketch ups for the next set of requests in the coming days.



Take as much time as you need!


Its all good, just come back with a lot more StarFire and I'm happy


Take the time you need, your art is great 😊


You do what you gotta do to make yourself feel more at ease with your work <3


It doesn’t help anyone if you injure yourself drawing too much or are too exhausted to draw. Take what time you need, you’ve earned it.

Ichiro Houkou

Absolutely worth the wait o7 take as much time as you need

Iruma Mob 100

You take as long as you want. ^^ You do not need to over work yourself. That could be unhealthy in the long run. Just draw at your own pace ^^


Thanks and not to worry. I've definitely been taking things slow enough that I won't be exhausting myself.


No worries, taking time off when you need it is healthy.


Will do. I've been taking things at a slower but more comfortable pace for most of this year but I've also been trying my best to keep the quality up at the same time.

Iruma Mob 100

Honestly I think the quality looks even better than before so it’s good that you’re allowing yourself time to rest in between each picture. You’re not overworking yourself and you can work at a more comfortable pace ^^


Take your time buddy.. We're cool.


Give us some ATLA and LOK content and all will be forgiven, my friend. Katara would be awesome.


I'll definitely need to make some more Avatar content and I'll see if I can get around to making something with Katara at some stage.


Glad too hear you’re open to it, hopefully I’ll get to see it down the road

Iruma Mob 100

You’re definitely not! Honestly, your art quality has increased so much I’m shocked ^^ just goes to show what taking your time to work at a comfortable pace can do for you ^^


Your all good. We all need brakes from time to time. "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy"


Don't feel guilty, everyone needs a break!


We all need to take it easy from time to time. Just glad your ok

Azahar Centeno

Everyone repeats the sentiment because they know that your art is worth the wait, and your health is top priority. Had you fostered a different audience, it may have been toxic, but since you’re always honest with us about what goes on backstage, others can understand and are patient for your triumphant return. I look forward to that lovely piece you have planned.🥰


I try to keep people in the know as best I can even thought it doesn't quite come naturally to me. Ultimately I'm one of those types of people that prefers to hide away until I've actually made something that I can share with everyone so I'm thankful that people can be patient with me.