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Hey everyone. I'm just letting you all know that I'll be away for a week on a family vacation where I won't be making any art during that period. I didn't have quite enough time to get another request done before heading off but I didn't exactly want to leave you all with nothing so I'm hoping at the very least the recent Raven edit I made will be of substance.

Sorry for the inconvenience this has caused. I just got back into the swing of things and started work on the next set of requests but now I'm gonna be away for the next 7 days not making any content. With that being said I don't expect to go on any vacations like this for the rest of the year so once I get back then I can resume full steam ahead on making some more art. 



Have fun! We’ll see you when you get back


Enjoy your time off, it's important to relax and be able to spend time with family 😊


Given how you've been improving so much recently (imo) I'd say you deserve the relaxation.

Ichiro Houkou

I hope your vacation goes well and safe! See you when you get back!

Ryan L.

Have a great vacation!

Azahar Centeno

1) STAY SAFE. 2) Enjoy your Vacation. You and your family deserve it.☺️❤️ 3) Seriously, wherever it is you’re vacationing stay safe. (And if you’re coming overseas... please let it NOT be America. But if it is... then stay the hell away from Florida or Texas. The hospital staff in your country will be thanking you.)


Have fun!

Sándor Balogh

Just enjoy the vacation :)


Have a nice trip!


Thanks. Although considering I just had a break at the start of this year I wasn't expecting to go on another one so soon!


Thanks. It's pretty much going to be comfy safe kind of vacation. I don't expect to be doing anything too extreme or out of the ordinary.


Will do. We're just having little vacation in country. I'm actually not even sure I even could fly over to America with the travel restrictions going on at the moment. ):


Not a problem. Enjoy yourself!

Alfra Bonzo

Get some relaxation and enjoy your vacation, friend!

James Roy

Enjoy your vacation.


Enjoy the time with your family!

Jake Ryder

He gonna be sipping smoothies under a palm tree on the beach while I’m stuck listening to old professors


Its okay friend! Take your time and have fun! We'll still be here when you get back ^.^

Icey Jin

kool a vaca sounds dope.