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Wasp having some fun in the sun.

I need a bit more time to finish the background on the giantess version but for now here's the vanilla version for you to enjoy.

UPDATE: Added the giantess version plus added an updated version of the beach version with some ever so minor tweaks made to it.



Steve Kidd

This gives me an idea for a different kind of Avengers-based image: how about we see a confused Black Widow from behind with a slight tear in her suit near her butt and we cutaway and, for the other half of the image, we see a tiny Ant-Man insider her suit in front of her bare buttcheeks (Natasha is canonically and BTS-wise supposed to be naked under that suit)?


This looks awesome. If you decide to do an edit of this some anons shrunk in between her breasts or maybe pinned to her hipby her bikini strap might look good. Idk.


Pun intended, that is hot!


You always deliver!


The way you draw feet is getting way better. Would love to see some feet focused art


Those pym particles are making her breasts bigger each time I see them... and I'm not complaining!


Those lucky bus riders


Any chance of even bigger and holding buildings like that (and in between that amazing chest)

Ichiro Houkou

That'll be a snug ride ;P let's see if they behave themselves.


It's possible I could do something like that for Wasp in the future. I'll keep the idea in mind.


I should have rode the bus today... >~<