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Here's the other half to the Ruby dakimakura. She's now hoarding all the cookies for herself!




That’s adorable! Love the addition of cookies☺️👌👍👍!

Steve Kidd

Surprised you haven't done any fanart of Nora yet.


Ruby got dem 💎💎 peeking out


The show has a lot of characters that I could do art of but maybe one day I'll do some art of Nora too.


Ok, as a proud Canadian I just have to say this: Take your shoes off in the house! Especially in your bed you savage! XD Still love the curves on her though, good job!

Princess Raven

My cookie.... MINE! none for you!


Are you going to be doing bikini alts for this RWBY daki's like you did for those Teen Titans ones back in the day? Oof, "back in the day" always rough when you can bust that one out.


With those cookies she's guarding in her hands, that means her ass is unguarded from squeezing.


I hadn't initially planned on doing that but that might be something I can still try. If I end up doing a bikini alt then it'll likely be something that I end up doing after I complete the current set of requests since I'm pretty close to finishing them now.