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Hey everyone. Here's all the new art I made during the past month. I got to draw some more characters that I don't usually draw which is always fun. I'm hoping I can do more of that in the next round as there are a few characters out there that people have suggested that I've yet to draw and ones that I'd like to revisit. As for what's next, I've had some people suggest that I do some alternate versions of some of the pics from this set so I'm thinking I'll try and tackle those first before moving on to the next set of requests.



Thank You for the art dump cant wait to see whats next :D


Nice set, hoping for some Aqua or even new characters for the next one


Curious if you have a Starfire,Raven and Blackfire photo in the works


I ❤ your GOGO and Ravens this Art dump, all your work really I truly do.


Well i just gave you an idea then


Dont think il ever be able to thank you enough for the giant Gogo work but here it is anyway, thank you. :)

Tyler Moore

I’m loving the set, job well done. Just one thing I think there is a problem with the fairy girl giantess pic, might be just me but Erza s top body seems weird


I've noticed only recently but there seems to be almost an avoidance of actual explicit nudity, is this because of personal taste or patreon guidelines? I think this one with the milking thing is the closest to being an explicit piece, just curious,


Are you able to specify what might be off about it? I might be able to go back and tweak some things if I get the chance.