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Another follow up request I decided to work on over the weekend. Someone suggested an even smaller Starfire residing on Raven's butt and so I thought it could be neat to see Raven throw Star off balance by sending her a little ripple from a smack of her rear.




I envy Starfire, to her, that booty must seem colossal. XD

Bob Fassa

whoa, love the size difference. You should do more of those <3


Absolutely incredible and to echo some of the other comments. To see you do this size difference more often would be a treat. Thanks muchly for taking the request and just as well doing such a stellar job with it!

Jinchuuriki Jay

That's what I call micro. Perfect size. Absolutely love the detailed landscape of Raven's butt like the surface of a country. Epic


I want to ride those waves with my face


No problem. It was a fun one to draw so I'll definitely have to do some more drawings of this type of scale. (:


What would that even have, an even smaller character that think she is on a pale planet that just happens to be Ravens bum? XD

silent observer

We need more flea-size people bouncing along the vast round landscape of Raven's big bubbly ass.


Silly story idea time. Raven stretched from her meditative state, ready to get a quick bite to eat, when she felt a strange feeling on her backside. Looking over her shoulder, she had to squint a bit to see a familiar figure floating back there. "Friend Raven, look!" the tiny form of Starfire called up. "It is the time of the microsizing! Is this not wonderful?" Raven had to smirk a bit...Starfire had mentioned the "microsizing"...a time every so often when Tamaranian girls of age shrank down to diminutive sizes. This actually saved Raven some of the effort in shrinking her, like she did a few times with her other friends. "Let me guess, you want to spend time with me while that small." she asked. "Of course!" Starfire gleefully exclaimed as she floated down onto Raven's right cheek. "Well, all right. But I do have to get you back for you sitting on me when I was testing my shrink spell." Starfire was confused and about to question that, but didn't have the chance when Raven suddenly smacked her right butt cheek, causing a rippling effect. The tiny Tamaranian didn't even have a chance to float up as the waves of flesh rippling caught her off guard. She eventually fell back on her backside, blushing at the effect that Raven had caused. The sorceress girl's reply simultaneously filled Starfire with excitement and worry. "And this is just the start of our fun together." she noted, as she pulled up a chair...


The top picture is awesome. The only problem with the bottom is I can't see Raven's butt. But that's my problem with any non Raven's butt picture so....


Love how big her butt is here.