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Jinx is mesmerized by Raven and Starfire's bust.




Mmmmmmm busty raven.... for science obviously


Well I mean, who wouldn't? XD touching them seems a recipe for disaster tho it doesn't seem that Starfire minds. great work.


This can mean only one thing - we need more busty Jinx.


Heheheehee, more of this please. I love jealous Jinx


I do think Jinx should take a more 'thorough' look at them.


Im pretty sure if any of us actually met the two of them, our reaction would be the same. Also just suggesting but with Jinx's hands and the angles, maybe this could be drawn with them not wearing anything on top and yet not show off too much if you get what I mean. What you think?


Yeah I could possibly do an alternate version where Jinx gets a little more frisky with Raven and Starfire. I'll see what I can do.


I know the feeling o(@p@)o


the B O O B Z S


I cant say that i blame her, still to be sure those are all natural she will need to make a more through examination. It's easier with Star tho, her boobs are easily reachable under her clothes since she's basically wearing a two-piece, wich makes them easier to examine visually just by lifting her top. I'm afraid (not really) Raven will have to undress almost completely to allow a verdict to be reached.


on other news did you send the sketches for january? I havent received anything


am I only one that only see broken images right now on patreon all pics have the broken icon in corner and wont load no matter how many tgtimes i reload site


I haven't started sketches for the next set yet. I'm still focusing on getting the current set colored in which I'm pretty close to getting done.


Everything is fine on my end so I'm not sure what I can do to help ): I don't suppose the problem has fixed itself by now?


it did fix it self shortly but seem to be back i looked everywere for solution and even contacted patreon staff but no answer yet from them


My guess? If it's fine for everybody else, it's probably an issue with your ISP, your browser, or you're missing an update on some image rendering software.