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Howdy Folks,

Here's a little update on things I'm working on for my Patreon this month.  I've got another large dose of Cursed, a TG sequence with a Greek mythological theme, the Special Request Line sequence, and more Fugly violence!

Stay tuned for more strangeness!




Madison Anderson

Mythology is always fun! I was such a geeky closeted trans girl-- obsessed with Ovid's Metamorphosis when I was in school.


I didn't know that about you. This one will based on a famous myth, although my version will be in a much more erotic vain.

Madison Anderson

Oh yeah, there just wasn't much transformation literature around when I was growing up. Not that Ovid wasn't fun on his own merits. Never did find two snakes going at it so I could interrupt them and get girlified, though :(

Madison Anderson

“ On Mount Cyllene in the Peloponnese,[4] as Tiresias came upon a pair of copulating snakes, he hit the pair with his stick. Hera was displeased, and she punished Tiresias by transforming him into a woman. ”

Madison Anderson

From Wikipedia. Sorry, not as useful as the bra trick ;)


This is great! Thanks for letting me know about it. I wonder why, though, Hera changed Tiresias into a woman as punishment instead of, say, a snake.

Madison Anderson

IKR? But that's TG fiction for you. Main Character "Oh woe is me, I have been turned into an incredibly hot young woman!" Trans Reader "SRSLY???"


Absolutely! What do I have to do to get Hera mad at ME? Regarding Ovid's story, I can see Hera changing one of Zeus' heroes into a woman to get back at Zeus for his many love escapades but Tireasias? There's nothing distinctly female about snakes or sex, so it's so strange hitting two copulating snakes will get you a sex change, unless that's what Hera did to all of the people who crossed her.