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Hey guys! I’m sure some of you have noticed, but apparently Patreon moving to the UK has caused some issues with American banks and so a lot of the transactions have been blocked. This has negatively impacted nearly every creator and I’m not sure if Patreon can do anything about it, but informing your bank that the transaction is not fraud should fix the issue.

If you take the time to do so you have my eternal gratitude! Please have a nice day guys, stream announcement will be up when I’m done eating!



Luis Burgos

Get money, bitch


Thank you for clarifying this, Diz... I wondered what happenned. I will copy and paste your message if you don't mind to explain this to my Patrons as well... :-)

The Eight Phases

I had this issue too with several pledges XD Fortunately I was able to resolve them via text and having Patreon reprocess the charges. Eventually I was able to get receipts for my supported creators. Hope everyone is able to sort it out. <3

I kissandkill

If your page says complete you can assume it wasnt rejected right?


I updated my information, hopefully that means it will go through. My membership page says that it did. Let me know if there are problems and I will try something else.


I had to use an entirely different card for some reason.