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Having said all that about burning out, werewolves are my first love so here's a thing I wrote today.  It was supposed to be shorter but I kept adding a little to it.

She sat on the floor in front of the angled mirror she'd purchased earlier that day.  Staring at herself.  Her legs were splayed out before her with her hands stroking the carpet to her sides.  Kneading the pile by clenching and unclenching her fingers.  The nails tipping them were a dull black, rising from their nail beds before curving over the ends into wide, sharp points that tore at the backing beneath the tall threads.

Scattered hairs covered her sweat-soaked shoulders while her shirt clung to her chest.  The wet fabric hugged her tight enough to show the bumps on her areola.  She breathed quickly, chest expanding and her erect nipples rubbed against her shirt with every movement.  Leaning back, she could see the small bumps of her teats.  Two of them lay half-hidden beneath a wild tangle of black pubic hair escaping the waistband of her shorts.

She lifted her hand to drag a claw along the line of hairs down the middle of her lower belly . Her finger pushed her shorts down and she gripped the hairs.  Fur.  Too dense and long to be called hair.  A permanent fixture that grew back quickly even if she shaved herself.  She growled quietly when she felt the stub of her tail saw back and forth against her shorts.  Yet another permanent side effect.  Barely larger than her thumb with kinky hairs spread out at irregular intervals.  As small as it was, she felt pleasure when it dragged against her shorts.

Not just the tail - her entire body was on edge.  The full moon was tomorrow.  She could feel its approach even without checking the lunar cycles on the calendar hanging by the front door.  As it edged closer, her normally even temper fluctuated.  She snapped before thinking.  Became far too aggressive in her dealings and day-to-day life.  Masturbated more.  Several times a day - even sneaking off to the private bathroom at work in continuous attempts to ease her steadily increasing arousal.  It was already heightened after her infection but it grew worse and worse until she was forced to use panty liners when out in public.  Her dildos bore the marks of her frantic claws.

She leaned forward to grab the shirt away from her body.  It dragged against the hairs covering her spine and the random, scattered hairs spread over her back.  She grunted and pressed into the bedframe behind her, grinding her aching spine against the edge.

The hairs trapped her scent and the sweat only made her worse.  She swallowed.  Growled.  Lips, streaked with black lines, quivered and raised to show lengthened cuspids that had drawn a few curious comments and jokes about vampires.

With her knees spread apart, she could see her pussy through the legs of her shorts.  Swollen, smooth black labia that bulged away from her crotch.  She'd been forced to wear loose clothing when it had stopped changing back, sometime after her sixth month.  But, the closer it was to the full moon, the more daring and impulsive she became and she found herself flaunting her changes by going without a bra and wearing tighter clothes.  She couldn't help herself.

At times, she felt like she wanted to be caught.  That she wanted someone to notice the outline of her spade-like pussy or the tiny bumps of her teats.  She flirted and teased and daydreamed of being bent over and fucked with a fist around her little tail and her pink inner lips gripping the cock pumping into her.

She pulled the seat of her shorts aside and now she did flash her teeth.  Growling louder, she touched herself, feeling the heat with her finger as she stroked the puffy, cum-slick black skin.  The very tips of her ears twitched beyond her hair.  They were sharp enough to draw second glances but not enough that she worried about hiding them.  Not yet.

Her palm pressed against her pussy, flattening it, and she growled once more while caressing herself.  Although her clit was hidden away beneath the thick flesh, she could still feel it when she rubbed herself hard enough.  It was lower than before, pushed down to join with her folded lips but still there.  Her thin padding rubbed the smooth skin - a tantalizing contrast.

She raised her hand to lick it clean, long tongue slipping between her fingers and then down over the wide, vaguely triangular shape of the gray callus covering the top of her palm.  Back up to lick the gaps in the padding beneath the joints of her fingers until her claws scraped the rough flesh of her tongue.

Muscles flexed and bulged when she gripped her shorts.  A sharp jerk tore them easily and she flung them aside.

Fur covered her lower belly but it grew lighter around her crotch and inner thighs.  The rest of her legs were covered in hair thick enough that it reminded her of a man's legs.  She trimmed it sometimes if she wanted to wear something to show her legs off but it grew back overnight.  Just like the bushy hair covering her armpits right now.  Lately, she found herself caring less and less about how it looked.

No.  That wasn't quite right.  She was enjoying it.

There were times, when she was changing during a full moon, that she wavered between human and wolf.  The pain of her bones reshaping was some of the worst pain in her life but her body resisted it.  She was stronger now, always.  And tougher.  And she swore the pain made her feel alive.  She fought it like it was an enemy, snarling and snapping and clawing until it began to fade.  The battle was a thrill.  In those moments, she felt more.  She was fearsome and powerful and she bathed in those sensations until her humanity fled.

The hair was a reminder of that state.  A reminder of the fur that enveloped her.  A reminder of the beast she'd become.

Drool hung from the tip of her tongue.  Her thoughts were far away, already looking forward to the next day and the upcoming changes.  She shivered and snarled and her tongue rolled back before unfurling to rest against her bottom lip.  It was a bad habit that grew harder to control as the moon grew fat.

Her eyes refocused on the mirror until she was staring at her pussy once more.  She started to reach for the clear cum sliding down her folded lips until she noticed something on her foot.  Faint cramps seized it when she stared at it.  Tendons stood out on the back of her toes.  She hissed as they involuntarily flexed and bent.  They resisted when she tried to force them straight.  She brought her right foot up to her mouth.  Her claws bit into the arch and heel while her teeth closed around her big toe's joint.  She gnawed at it until she felt it crunching in her mouth.

She whined and the beast prowling just beyond her consciousness exerted control.  Her ears trembled as she licked the soft skin at the side of her big toe.  Her tongue wrapped around her toe to drag against the top, wetting short black hairs that were growing from the back of her toes.  She lost herself in it, turning her foot to drag her tongue back and forth over her forefoot.  The skin grew wrinkled under her ministrations while the pink faded to show gray flecks.  More hairs pierced the webbing between her toes before spreading down over the paw pad forming on her forefoot.  And up, around the smaller padding growing beneath her toes.  Her nostrils opened and closed as she licked the hairs and the skin.

The simple needs of the beast were being replaced by arousal at the sensation of her rough tongue rasping against her reshaping feet.  Her already sensitive skin begged to be touched while the pain brought by the shifting bones lessened with every stroke of her tongue.  The faint screech of bones scraping together pierced her keen ears.  Heat radiated from the joints at the base of her toes.  She growled while twisting her foot to lick along the top but the pain from her left foot called her attention.  She dropped her right to the ground to snatch at the other.  A large blackened paw pad, a vague triangle with rounded edges that mirrored the one on her palm, already covered the forefoot but she still gave it her attention to ease the pain.

Her eyes watched her right foot.  Gaps appeared between her tiny toes as they were forced apart.  Muscles multiplied around bones that cracked and healed, stronger with each iteration until her delicate foot was no more.  Black hairs, coated in her drool, covered the previously smooth skin.  Her toes appeared swollen and she could feel the expansion happening with her left foot.  Flesh inflating against her lips and face as her toenails anchored themselves to the bones beneath the skin.

It was the first time she'd seen her body change outside of the full moon.  Everything else - the ears and fangs and hands and her pussy - had all happened overnight or in small enough increments throughout the day that she didn't notice until she'd undressed at home.

She wondered if it was permanent now or something new in the way she was changing.  Preparing her for the wolf.  She wouldn't know until after the next three days.  If it was still there...

Her fingers massaged her left foot, thumb pressing into her arch and then up to the swollen flesh.  Finally, she pulled it away to rest it on the floor and she stared at the bottom of her feet in the mirror.  Her feet were longer as well as wider and the big toes were shorter than the toes next to them.  The padding was black like her palms - dull and flecked with gray.  She wriggled her toes but they responded less, as if resisting the movements and her big toes barely budged.

With a deep breath, she stood and found herself raising up to her forefeet.  The lack of her inner toes and the stability they provided caused her to wobble unsteadily until she lowered her feet to the ground but they bounced and hovered and raised once more as if she were wearing high heels.  Her calf muscles bulged in response.

Less human than before, she realized, staring at herself.

She expected to be dismayed but she found herself growing aroused instead as she stared at her body.  At her stance.  Her tail pressed between her ass cheeks and she stared down at the dark lips between her thighs, so clear to see.  At the random hairs covering her chest and shoulders and the fur down below.  At the claws tapping against her thighs and her fangs pressing into her lips.  At the golden threads in her green eyes and the tips of her ears peeking through her glossy black tresses.  At the lines of muscle on her lithe, powerful body.

Her ankles twisted briefly as she walked through her bedroom.  She opened a drawer in the table by her bed to pull out a massive black dildo.  With her toy in hand, she walked back to kneel in front of the mirror.  The dildo had a suction cup at the base.  She licked it with a hungry growl before sticking it in place and turning.

On all fours.  With her knees spread.  Like a beast.  Toes bent beneath her with the new claws tearing into her carpet.  Looking back at the mirror to watch her pussy open.  A string of clear cum welled and fell until the head of the dildo pressed into her lips, severing the thread.  She bowed her head with a whimper until she realized she was facing where she'd sat earlier.  The carpet was drenched and she couldn't stop herself from licking it as she pushed back.

It opened her tight black lips.  She snarled when the muscles resisted and pushed harder.  Turning to stare at her pussy and raised tail.  The sight was intoxicating and she plotted, not for the first time, to record herself changing.  And perhaps to leave herself some dildos in case the beast understood their purpose.  The thought of seeing herself changing, of seeing the inquisitive, monstrous shewolf bouncing on one of her dildos drove her wild.  She slammed back and howled as her cum splattered against the mirror.  They fell, tracing transparent lines while she thrust back and forth against the dildo.  Her breasts swayed and slapped beneath her while her teats shook against her body.

When her bare ass smacked against the mirror, coating her skin and the few hairs in cum, she trembled and slowed and pushed until she felt the head brushing her cervix.  The fake scrotum pressed against her pussy and she moaned loudly with her eyes closed.  Imagining a knot forcing her pussy apart.  She worked her hips in short, quick movements to continuously press the testicles against her over and over and over.  They rubbed against her labia and her hidden clit before spreading her apart.  Her tail raised as tall as it could.

Moans and gasps and whines filled her bedroom.  She could feel it coming and her hips worked harder but more erratically and the mirror creaked ominously with every slap of her ass.

Her orgasm ripped a scream from her throat.  She clenched her fingers into the carpet while her body shook and the scream rose higher until it broke into a howl with her head raised and her mouth open wide to show her fangs.  She felt it being pulled from her core until her air ran out and she collapsed with her ass still raised.

She shuddered and snarled and nuzzled her cheek against the carpet, enjoying the feel as she imagined, for a moment, that it was the fur of her lover.  Eventually she slowly, slowly pulled free and then the feeling of it slipping from her pussy caused her to yelp.  Creamy cum dribbled from her lips and down into the fur on her lower belly while she folded into herself.

Her knees pressed into her stomach and she panted until thought returned and she could force herself up.

She wanted to go out among them.  It was a safe day still and the idea of being stuck inside irritated her.  There were people out there.  Men and women milling about, unaware of the beast prowling nearby.  In a skirt with no panties while her cum dribbled down her thighs.  Showing bare skin on her belly and the hint of the fur.  The thought was enough to bring her to her knees with her hand between her thighs and her finger thrusting into her pussy.  After another eventual orgasm, she licked her finger clean and then stood.

Tights would hide her feet.  Nobody would challenge her over the lack of shoes.  They would whisper behind her back but that would just egg her on.

Eager to be out, she hurried and she moaned when she pulled the rolled-up tights over her legs.  Her toe claws cut through the front but they were black to match the tights and she didn't care.  Random hairs pierced the fabric but she ignored those as well.  A skirt followed the tights and a simple shirt followed.

She left, smiling at the red sun hanging just above the horizon before turning to find the moon.

Her car was parked in her garage, but she left it, instead walking three blocks to the lone bus stop on the corner.  She rested against the frame of the shelter, rocking lightly back and forth until she smelled someone coming.  A male.  She saw him a minute later and he nodded at her before sitting on the wire bench next to her.

She glanced at him.  He was attractive enough that she found herself scissoring her legs back and forth against her pussy.  It'd been eight months since she'd been fucked.

On an impulse, she broke away and sat next to him.

"Nice night, huh?" she said.

"Huh? Oh, yeah," he answered.

She could feel his unease.  He tasted skittish.  Nervous of how close she was.  Beyond that she could smell his cock and it made her drool.

"Fun plans for the night?" she asked him.

"I- I'm meeting some friends at the bar," he told her.  "Just hanging out."

"Sounds good," she said.

"Yeah," he answered quickly.

His throat worked and he swallowed.  She moved slightly until her hip touched his.  He tensed against her but relaxed slowly.

Too long, too long, god it's been too long, she moaned internally.

"You're handsome," she told him.

"I- I- Uh, thanks?" he said before swallowing again.  Tense again.

"I'm going to be honest with you," she said.  "It's been a long time since I got laid."

"Uh, I- I-" he stuttered before falling silent.

"A really long time," she continued.  She reached out to place her hand high on his thigh and he jerked in return.  "And I really need it."

"I don't-" he struggled to say.

"You ever fuck in public?" she asked him.

Her hand clawed at his thigh.  His cock moved as it hardened and it pressed against her knuckles.  She growled quietly and reached for it to squeeze it.  He moaned and grabbed her wrist.

"Do you want me to stop?" she asked him.  Her voice was quiet but hard and hungry.

"I- I just don't-  Is this a pran-" he gasped when she kissed him and his wrist moved, pulling her hand back and forth to pump his cock.

She pulled away to bite at his earlobe and he shivered.

"No," she moaned, reaching for his zipper to ull his cock free.  She gripped it immediately.  "God, it's been so long.  You're so hard and warm and-"

She twisted and knelt and took him in her mouth without hesitation, bobbing immediately while stroking the base.  He hissed and gripped her hair, dangerously close to her twitching ears.

"Are- shit, that feels so- shit, that's so good," he gasped.  Her fist tightened.  "Are you clean?"

She felt sharp anger at his words and the implication but she ignored it while still working her head up and down.  She slobbered over his cock until it was thick from her drool and her tongue wrapped around it.  It was a fair question considering the circumstances.

Am I clean? she wondered.  She wasn't sure when the infection could be transmitted but it was too late to stop now.  She needed it badly.  I'll just be careful.  No biting.  No claws.  It's not the full moon.

She pulled off of him with a loud, wet pop.  He jerked and gripped her tight but she sat against him, straddling his cock with her skirt covering both of them.  She raised her ass while reaching beneath her to grab his cock in order to guide it.

With his dick covered in her spit and her pussy dripping wet, he entered her easily and she moaned while her claws dug into his back hard enough that he cried out.  She slammed herself down, moaning even louder when his cock flexed within.

Her hand gripped the front of her shirt to pull the neck down until her left tit was exposed.  She pressed the nipple against his mouth and prayed he didn't notice the trail of hair growing between her breasts.  When he thrust up to meet her downward slam, she snarled and snapped at the air.

"Fuck fuck fuck yes fuck me yes fuck fuck!" she gasped, pulling away before leaning back down to press her cheek against his.  Her nipple, wet from his mouth, throbbed for more.

Her tongue lashed out to lick his jaw and neck as her ass worked, flexing up and down while her pussy clenched him tightly.  She bent down to bite gently at his neck and he groaned.  His fingers kneaded against her ass and she bit harder in response.  She wrapped her arms around him, clenching him hard enough that he wheezed until she relaxed.  Her tongue cleaned faint traces of blood from her canines.

His fingers, digging into her ass cheeks, brushed against the base of her tail.  She moaned loudly and forced her ass down hard enough to bruise the man's legs.  Now that she was aware of it, she could feel her tail bouncing against her ass.  When she slammed down, it bent down between her cheeks until she lifted herself and it raised, pushing against the back of her skirt.

"I'm gonna- gonna- I'm almost," he grunted.

"Do it do it do it do it cum in me fill me with your-" she babbled.

She came before he did, crazed by the thought of his bare cock spurting within her.  He was smaller than her dildo but he was real and warm and his hands held her tightly while his scent surrounded her.  He was real and she hadn't understood how much she needed that until now.  Her hips jerked while her pussy pulsed around him and he moaned.

His hot cum drilled into her.  She raised her mouth to howl and the first note escaped her lips until she realized what she was doing.  Her jaw cracked when she forced her lips together and, instead, she trembled and clawed at the man beneath her.  She slowly eased herself down and pressed herself into him while holding him in a tight embrace.

Minutes passed.  His cock slowly grew soft.  She sighed when it slipped free and then raised herself with her arm wrapped around his head, dragging her stomach against his mouth.  Her teats bumped his lips and she groaned, locking the memory of the sensation away to use when masturbating later.

She could feel the cool air as it swirled around her cum-soaked fur.  Her short tail wagged back and forth, pushing and pulling at her skirt.

"Come with me," he told her.

"I can't," she answered.

"You're not- you don't have a boyfriend or anything, do you?" he asked, suddenly worried again.

"No," she said.  She leaned back and kissed him deeply.

"Then, at least tell me your name or where you live or-"

She stumbled back.  Her tights tore to show toes covered in black hair.  Moonlight surrounded her and she was suddenly terrified of changing in front of him.  Of being exposed for what she was.

"I- I- can't," she said.  "I have to go.  I have to- I can't be here."

She ran.  The thick padding covering her forefeet cushioned her steps while quickly wearing through the toes of her tights until her feet were completely exposed up to her ankles.  His scent burned in her brain even when she was inside her house and beneath her covers.  She reached between her thighs to touch herself.  Soaking her hand in their cum.  Moaning as she brought her palm to her mouth to clean herself.  And then bringing her hand down for more.

Sleep overwhelmed her after several hours of frantic, growling orgasms.  She woke in a daze, as she always did on the three days of the full moon.  Food was her first priority.  Her claws tore through the plastic wrap covering the raw steaks she'd left for herself.

Only when she was sated did she realized she could still smell him.  She scented the air, breathing deeply with red smeared over her lips and cheeks.

She left the house in the same clothes she'd worn the night before.  Torn now, after crazed masturbation.  Her nipples and teats were exposed and her pussy lay bare for all to see when she knelt briefly to all fours.

Voices.  She hid.  Hunting out of sight.  Following his scent.  Slinking from house to house through the quiet neighborhood until she found him.

He knelt in his backyard.  Shirtless.  Growling.  Masturbating.  Spittle flinging from his black lips.  She approached and he stopped, catching her scent before she let him see her.  She dropped to all fours to crawl to him.  The position eased the cramps beginning to form along her back.  He watched her as she approached.

His cock was dark pink and the tip was slightly elongated.  She moaned as she stared at it and then growled when she spied a tiny lump at the base.  He didn't stop her when she pressed her nose into the fold between his testicles and thigh or when she licked him from the base to the tip.

They mated in the open until dirt covered their hair and fur.  Afterwards, she led him from his home as time passed and the moon traveled through the sky, bringing him further and further away from civilization.  His rational mind slipped away before hers, but still he followed her until they were racing through the trees and she finally let herself go.  Basking in the beast consuming her.



Her entire interaction with the man and how forward she was, taking complete control to get what she wanted was really hot. And then when she comes back to find him in mid-change. Some really standout aspects to this one!


Thank you so much! The bus scene TF has always been a fantasy of mine. It wasn't actually supposed to go further than the mirror scene but I just kinda kept writing....