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The last of the last round of one day writeathon stories!  And the last one I wrote that day.  i hope you enjoy!

I have a special treat for everyone today, I write in the chat window.  I see comments asking why I'm being weird.  I started the stream without a word and I've kept my mouth closed the entire time.  Tell all your friends so I can get more subscribers because there's a new bitch in town!

Now I open my mouth.  My tongue unrolls down past my chin, narrow in the middle but wide and rounded at the tip.

The chat goes wild, as I'd hoped.  I spent nearly all the money I'd earned from my stream so far to get the Tweak.  My girl friends said I was insane but I've heard that people go nuts over this stuff.  The new Tweaks just coming out have been reserved for the ultra rich so far but money opens many doors.  Even if it's just a little thing like my tongue.

I laugh and change the stream name to "Gamer Bitch" and it takes me just a second to upload my new profile picture.  My boyfriend, off camera to the side, rolls his eyes and shakes his head.  He can complain all he wants but I didn't hear him complaining when I was sucking his dick earlier, nope.  Just a lot of moaning.  I tried to get him to call me a good girl but he knew I was fucking with him so he just slapped my ass and went back to his game.

I don't care.  I'm just trying to get more subs and more money.  I mean, I know I'm a good girl, anyway.  Right?  Who else would do something crazy like this?  I saved for almost a year.  I'm not a big streamer but I found a guy willing to do it for ten grand, so I jumped.  A single shot and I was done.

"Hmmm?  No, the tongue is the only thing I could afford," I tell them, licking my lips.  My hand goes down to my crotch to scratch myself.  "But, if I can get a lot of new subs, who knows?"

Well, I know.  No fucking way I go fully Tweaked.  Like that one Russian dog lady.  Some poodle looking bitch.  Ugly as hell.  Like, a poodle?  What?  I went German Shepherd and it's way more badass.  At least, that's what the guy with the needle said.  At just ten thousand, I don't really have a lot of choices or options.

"Oh, you want to see me on all fours?  Like a bitch?"  I grin, showing my teeth.  "Let's see some donations and I'll wag my little ass for you."

I wait and watch but not too long since there's a lot more I can do.  Still, wow, the donations start to roll in.  Money well spent so far.  Damn.

Before I turn over, I spread my legs briefly.  Enticing them.  And then I roll over and go to my hands and knees, looking back at the camera to open my mouth and let my tongue hang.

I can see myself on my laptop.  I flex, raising my ass like a good bitch and then I pant overdramatically.  Drool courses down to the tip of my tongue until I swallow it and then let it out again and pant more.  I'm still getting used to it.  Lots of drool.  Lots of drool.  Good for blowjobs, though.

With everyone watching, I wiggle my ass and then reach under me to rub my panties.  I breathe a hot, excited breath out and it almost sounds like a whimper.  I'll have to remember how to do that again so I can use it later.

"You like me on all fours?" I ask, rocking my ass back and forth.  "Like a good little bitch?  Is everyone thinking about mounting me?  Kneeling behind me?  Grabbing my ass?  Grabbing my mmmm tail?"

God, I can feel myself growing wet.  This is good stuff.

"Oh, sorry, everyone, I'm a little thirsty, give me a second," I say because I suddenly have an idea.

I bounce off the bed and prance into the kitchen to get a bowl, filling it with water while scratching the stubble beneath my panties.

My jaw flares out while I grind my front teeth back and forth together, over and over.  Water splashes over the side and onto my forearm so I lift my arm and lick it clean before shutting the water off and walking back into the bedroom.

Once there, I set the bowl carefully in front of the laptop where everyone can see it.  And then I kneel.  And go to all fours.  Raising my ass.  It feels nice.  It feels sexy.  I grin at the screen.

"Bark!" I say with a smile, panting once more.

And then I lower my head.  I haven't really tried this before so I'm expecting it to be awkward as fuck but I'm banking on my viewers not to care enough.  That the simple act of trying to do it is enough for them to use as jerk off material.

The tip of my tongue goes into the water and curls and I bring it back up, swallowing the little sip.  Wow, huh.  Way easier than I thought it'd be.  And I am thirsty.  I keep drinking with my hands on the bed to the side of the bowl and my ass raised.

A single black line appears in the wrinkle on my pink lip.  It grows from the bottom of the lip to the top before spreading along the outline of my lip.  My thin lips swell, curving outward as the black spreads and I finish the water.

And, oh.  I.  Uh.  I forgot people were watching.  Oh.

"Mmmhmmm," I moan, giving myself time to think of something to say.  In the meantime, I place the empty bowl on the floor by the bed.  "This little doggie is all full and now it's playtime!"

I turn my laptop away from my boyfriend.  He raises an eyebrow while squinting at me but I ignore him as I survey the array of stuffed animals lying against my pillows.

The thought just came to me but it's a good one.  Dogs love toys, don't they?  Especially stuffed animals.

I'm blonde but black and tan hairs pierce the thin flesh over my spine.  It starts low on my back, just above the crack of my ass and they grow in a line two hairs wide with gaps between.  I shiver as I look at my toys and goosebumps rise over my body.  New hairs raise on the nape of my neck.

There's a squirrel toy.  My eyes narrow and I lean down.  Alert.  Watching.  Licking my lips.  And then pouncing!  Snatching it with my teeth and then shaking my head, whipping it back and forth to break its neck and then down, holding it in place while I nibble at it.  It helps my sore teeth, biting and biting and biting and biting as they expand, swelling beneath my gums and pushing out, sliding while crowding my teeth until I puncture the toy and now I snarl and tear, pulling my head back to get at the stuffing because-

"Babe," my boyfriend whispers as quietly as possible.



I, uh.

A dark line appears in the furrow above my sable lips.  It traces a path to my nose and, when it touches the curve of flesh between my nostrils, the skin cracks into a pebble-like texture.

I gather the stuffing into a pile and then smile at the camera.

"Was I a good girl, everyone?  Did you like to watch me play?" I ask before reaching a hand to scratch deeply into the thick hairs overwhelming my panties.  I trace a finger over to the crease by my thigh where more is starting to grow.  It feels good to scratch and my leg kicks briefly.  "More money buys me more fun things to enjoy."

Oh gosh.  More toys.  How fun would that be?!  Maybe even something more realistic or, oh! OH!  With a squeaking thing inside of it.  Gooooood yesssssss.

I whine again and lick my nose.  The fractured texture spreads so incredibly slow, converting smooth pink skin to a fine black texture.

The few hairs over my nape begin to thicken and spread outward, swooping down the curve of my neck to my shoulders.  They're loose and thin and scattered.

I take a second to read the chat, confused at the mention of makeup and questions asking when I had time to apply it so I skip those until I see something I can answer.

"Ohh, Robbyx37 wants to know why, if I'm such a good girl - which I am," I confirm, wagging my ass with excitement.  Bones grind in my hips before pushing up against the few hairs low in my back.  I continue reading out loud.  "If I'm a good girl, where's my bone?"

Bone.  Bone.  I lick my lips and grind my teeth together.  That- that does sound good.  Gnawing on something tough like that.  Grinding to help with the ache in my jaw.  Licking out the marrow.  But.  But, no.  That's not what he's asking.  Is it?  I whine again and the very tips of my ears quiver before my tongue hangs down.  I pant anxiously while I think.

And then it hits me.  Of course, duh!   He doesn't really mean a real bone.  He means a sex thing!  Ugh.  I'm ditzy today.  My tongue laps up against my nose, wetting the blackened curve at the very tip.

Fur emerges from in front of my ears, short and tan, tickling my lobes when they grow down to my jaw.

"Well, that's too early," I say.  "Best for last."

I sit on my hands and knees like a good girl and then reach a paw up to hook a nail into the front of my bra, slowly sliding it down to my areola.

I whine again and I realize I'm getting really, really good at making that sound!  It's almost natural!

"How can I feed my puppies without my nipples?" I ask, watching the chat and donations.

Jesus, it's amazing how well it's going.  I scratch at my throbbing jaw and then pant, wagging my ass the whole time.  The flesh over the tip of my growing tail swivels at the same time.  I reach back to scratch at it and moan, eyelids fluttering while raising and kicking my leg against the bed.  GOD! That feels so fucking good.

"Well, okay," I say, reaching back to undo the straps holding my bra.

Sitting back, I grin at the camera.  My canines push against my black lips, forcing them apart even with my mouth closed.  A few tan hairs grow from the base of my throat as I slowly, slowly slip my bra off.

"Mmm, there," I moan, raising my hand to heft my tit.

I squeeze and moan again because it actually does feel good.  I think I'm really getting into this because normally I have to do a bit of acting but now, wow, I'm feeling really turned on.  I caress my boob, sliding my hand back and forth under the curve and up to lightly pinch my nipple.  Moaning.  Whining.  Whimpering.  High pitched.

A red light flashes above my bed.  I whine and stare at it.  Trying to remember what it means.  And then I mute the stream and turn.

"Huh, uh, baby, I think something's wrong," my boyfriend says.

He starts to get up while leaning forward to stare at me but I hold up my paw.  Hand.  And shake my head. And then I resume the stream.

I'm fine.  BETTER than fine.

"How many of you bet I can lick my own nipple now?"

Ding ding ding!  Donations surge and I bounce in place while panting and licking my lips.  Waiting.  Waiting.  I want to lick myself so bad- so bad but I'm waiting.  Waiting like a good girl.  I need to wait.  Be good.  Be good!

And then it's enough and I can't hold back anymore so I lift my tit and lean forward, staring at the camera while reaching my tongue out.  Pretending I can't actually do it.

I can. I tested it earlier, of course.

Bones shift.  Blood rushes to my face and my cheeks turn red.  My ears tremble.

My rough tongue laps against my nipple and I moan, dropping to one hand and my knees with my hand bowed, holding my tit.  Lapping against the nipple and feeling it harden.  It feels so good.  Too good, almost.  I can actually feel an orgasm coming and the sensation of my tongue against my body is awesome, too.

A loud 'shluck-shluck-shluck-shluck' sound fills the room as I continue licking.  Drool drips to the bed  beneath me but I'm so focused, I don't even notice.  And then I switch tits and, oh my god, I might actually have an orgasm.

The electric sensation of my nipples being stimulated courses down my body, straight to my pussy.  Over and over and over until it starts to branch out to my sides and flash in little pulses of fun.  New nerves grow along my belly, twisting into place alongside milk ducts.

My nose burns and I sneeze, dropping my tit and sneezing a second time before growling at myself, throat and lip vibrating.  The tip of my tail curves and freezes into place.  Little black hairs cover the back of it with sandy hairs along the bottom.

There's noises.  My ears perk up and I look around, alert.  It's coming from the- the- laptop.

My stream!

"Oh, my," I growl, low and sexy.  "I got so distracted by the way my bitch's tongue felt against my nipple that I lost my train of thought.  I hope you all enjoyed that as much as I did."

There's stuff moving on the screen but it doesn't matter.  I'm a good girl putting on a show.  I know how to do that.  I can do it.  I want to make people happy.  My hand caresses my tits while I take time to think but then I push down to my pussy where I stroke the thick fur covering my lower belly.

"I wish you were all here to pet me," I say.

And I mean it.  I do.  I wish they could all be here to stroke my back.  Pet my head.  Let me lick them and sniff them.  Let them lick me.  My nipples.  Yes.  My nipples and my pussy.  All of them.

"I'd let you all take turns with me," I moan, picturing it.  The laptop makes a lot of loud noises after I say that.  "Your good girl, on all fours.  Presenting myself to you.  Begging to be fucked."

I whine but then raize my short muzzle.  The little hairs at the corner of my jaw spread once more, growing along the edge.  I sniff.  And sniff again.  And crawl, nose to the bed, huffing and sniffing until I shove my nose under my boyfriend's pillow and then down into the gap between the wall and bed.  I lean over and grab my prize in my teeth before scurrying back to where I was.

My boyfriend's underwear is in my mouth.  I shake them back and forth a few times before licking them.  His smell is all over them.  Not just that but there's the smell AND TASTE! of his cum.  Our cum.  He must've put them back on after we fucked last night.

I hold it with my paw and settle down onto the bed.  My tits flatten beneath me while I lick and tear at the underwear.  My curved fangs grow in the empty spaces between my teeth.

The green is fading from my eyes.  Lighter and lighter and lighter with bits of brown showing through.  And then the color darkens and the amber spreads until there's not a trace of green.

My ears twitch when my boyfriend stands up.  I dig my nails into the underwear and bite harder.  He reaches for them so I growl and pull away until he tugs at them AND THAT'S SO MUCH FUN YESSSSS!

My tag wags as I pull back, staring up at him.  He let's go and I lean forward, shaking it in front of him.  Teasing him into taking it again.

"Babe, you- you're-"  He sees.  "Jesus Christ, you've-"

Oh, shit!  SHIT!  The stream.  I shoo him away and turn back, hiding the underwear to smell later.

"Umm, umm, ummm," I say, trying to remember what I was doing.

Puppies.  Puppies and nipples.  Right.

I lay on my side, facing the little black box.  Computer.  Laptop.  Laptop.  It's a laptop.

Wispy hairs grow between my breasts and down.  I play with them and moan, licking my muzzle.  It's weird to feel my tongue against bare skin but I can feel a little bit of fur so that's good.

Keratin grows over my nails while I stroke my belly.  Closer and closer to a tiny brown spot on the side of my stomach.  And closer.  Black specks form in the thickening nails and the extra growth forces them forward while they curve slightly.  I moan and howl lightly when I claw at the little teat when it puckers against my body.

A single drop of milk beads from one of the holes in the teat.  I catch it on the tip of my black claw and hold it in front of the box.  Laptop.  It's making so much noise now.  Nonstop.  My ears fold back.  They're lengthening.  Unfolding.  The gentle round curves pushing to long, triangular points.  Black hairs grow in the center, stretching out to the side while brown and gray hairs grow from the back.

The droplet of milk dangles from my claw, threatening to fall.

"For my puppies," I tell them.

And I whine and press my legs together.  I can see them.  Needle-like teeth latched onto all of my teats.  Fighting over my big nipples.  Engorged with milk and eager for them to drink all of it so It's not so painful.  My boyfriend stroking my side and whispering to me what a good girl I am.  What a good mom.

My tail thumps heavily into the bed.  I whine again and then lick the milk from my finger.  I don't think the box is ever going to stop making noise.

My nails tear through the band of my panties.  They're dark where I've completely soaked through them.  I lick my finger and lean back to rub my clit.  Panting and staring down at my body.  At the fur spreading over my tummy.  I growl but it's a needy growl that turns into a whine when I shove my finger down.

I'm so hot.  I'm so fucking hot.  It hits me like a truck.  All I can think about is being fucked.  That's what good girls do and I'm the best girl.

I turn with my ass to the box and raise a single paw towards my Master.  And I whine.  And beg.  Staring at him with my most pitiful expression ever in hopes that he'll fuck me.

But I moan and touch myself again when I see him already stroking his cock.  I should've smelled it.  I can now but I think the underwear was throwing me off.

"Fuck me?  Please?  I'm so hot, Master," I tell him, grabbing my tit while sitting back with my other paw curled.  Squeezing myself and wiggling my ass against my heels.

The skin over my forefeet grows dark in connected, thick circles.  I wiggle my toes when they itch and the skin balloons out, pink with black specks.  When he doesn't immediately come to me, I spread my knees and lean back further.

"Master, please," I moan.

I think I'll go crazy if he doesn't do it.  I'll go mad from the heat burning through my body.  I will.  I will.  I'll tear into my toys and hump my pillow and mark everything and-

But he stands and he strips completely and I whine while watching him. I love him. I love him so much.  I love him so fucking much.  My tail thumps the bed repeatedly until he comes close and I turn.

Lowering myself to all fours.

Presenting myself.

He caresses my ass and I whimper but instead of fucking me, he turns me around to face the ringing box.  Laptop. I can remember the word!

When he leans in, I shiver with excitement but he kisses my furry ass and then spreads me wide.

"Now watch and keep donating," he says.  "The last change."

He leans in again to kiss my pussy and I howl while shoving back.  His tongue works against me, cleaning all the stringy cum dripping over my fur.

"Clean me," he says, putting his face near mine.

He doesn't have to tell me twice. I'd do it anyway.  If you put your face near me, you get licked.  That's what happens.  That's what I do.

The fact that it's my cum just makes it all the better.  I lick and lap and moan and quiver until he's all clean and he pats my head because I'm SUCH a good girl.  But then he spreads my ass again.  My pussy lips open and he wipes a long, new string of cum away.  I see him think for a second before licking his finger and I wag my tail because that's what I would do, too.

But then a second, strong wave of heat hits and I shove my face into the bed to roll it around while huffing and panting and squeezing the muscles in my pussy.

His finger plays against the outer lips, stroking them back and forth.

"I don't know if you can see it," he says to the laptop.  "But there's black in the pink lips.  Spreading throughout."

Why won't he just fuck me?  I whine and tremble, anxious for him to do it but he's doing something else so I shove against him.  He holds me tight.

His fingers slip inside and I bark loudly in surprise while thrusting back, thinking he's going to start by fingering me.  He doesn't so I whine instead.

"The lips are swelling," he continues.  I feel him pinch the fleshy outer labia.  They pull away from his hand, slick with my cum as they roll inwards.

OHHHHH GOOOOOOD I'm gonna DIE if I don't get fucked.  I tear into the sheets with my teeth, snarling and dragging my head back and forth.

"I read about it just a second ago when I realized what was happening to her," he says.  "Any sexual advances trigger the heat reflex.  Anything stronger than a good scratch."

He claws at my sides and I kick my leg while whimpering.  The box is so damn loud.

"Her pussy's changing.  Watch how it all folds up.  Curls together.  The muscles inside get even tighter than normal and sensitivity increases a hundred fold.  This is all from leaked documents on trial runs.  Apparently you can pay for additional, separate alterations but the base model was made for sex and submission."

That's me.  God, yes, that's me.  I'm that good girl.  I need it so bad.  So fucking bad.

"Do you want it, babe?" he asks me.


He strokes my back and I shudder when his nails dig into the fur.

"Good girl," he moans as he pushes his cock into me.

I howl again, raising my head with my ears down and my black lips pulled back over my fangs.  And I cum.  Just from him pushing into me.  Barely able to stay up on all fours on the edge of the bed.  My tongue unrolls and I'm panting with my blonde hair down around my eyes and muzzle.

But then he moves again and I whine and push back.

"They.  Can't.  Get. Pregnant," he groans,  thrusting into me.  He strokes me again.  "So fucking tight, babe.  Can't get pregnant without a supplement they can take.  Otherwise, the species are too different. FUCK!"

He slams into me and then grabs my tail and I cum again, howling once more. I LOVE HOWLING.  It feels so good to let it out.  Feel it vibrate my throat.  Drown out the nonstop ringing on the box.  OHHH FUCK he's still going.  I've never had this many orgasms so quickly before.

With his fist around the base of my tail, he pounds into me and I tear into the bed again, overstimulated but Jesus Christ it's amazing.  My furry tits sway beneath me, clapping together and rocking back and forth like my ass when I pound into my Master.  His other hand holds my hips tight.

"Can't.  Keep.  This up," he groans.


"You.  Can't oh god shit! Imagine.  How- tssss-" He hisses and hunches over and I howl when his cum fills me.  My own orgasm causes my pussy to clench around him like a vise.  Black specks explode in my vision just before everything goes dark.

And then I wake up, flat on the bed.  I don't know what happened there but he's still holding my tail and hips and still cumming so I cum AGAIN and claw at the bed.  He leans into me, pressing his stomach against my back and he plants a gentle kiss against my neck.  And then my shoulder.  And then my back.

When he pulls out and his head slips from my pussy, I buck from yet another orgasm and our cum spurts out of my pussy.  Thick, creamy white against my bulging, swollen, folded black lips.

We're both panting.  Well.  I am. He's just breathing hard.  He lays next to me to stroke my ass and my tails wags in response.

"It apparently takes a while for them to come down from this," he says.  "I'll talk to her when she's more.  Uh.  Cognizant.  Walk her through what happened.  It'll be difficult with the submission built into her now and the other stuff but we'll talk.  I'll see where she wants to go from here.  I think she just broke into the number one spot and money is still coming so, maybe, maybe there's enough to undo some of this."

Why would I do that?  And who is he talking to?

"No," I tell him firmly.

"You say that now, just wait," he says, petting my ass again.  I'm upset but my tail still wags.  Dammit.

I am who I am.  What does he mean about 'undo', anyway?

"So, thanks to all that's watching.  I'll just sit here petting her until the donations stop.  Every little bit helps."

Three hours later, we have that conversation.  He thinks I'm not "down" from the sexual high the change forces on me whenever I get riled up because I tell him I'm not changing anything.  He's my Master.  I'm his good girl.

And I can make a SHIT TON of money with this.  Especially if we talk out scripts ahead of time before I lose my cool and turn into a dumb bitch.

I tease him into having sex with me which makes my brain turn into excited doggy mush but I'm finding out that that alone is an erotic, fun little high.  And then, again, the same conversation afterwards.  I convince him I'm all there when I repeat parts of the earlier conversation back to him.

I'm never going back.  I'm going to be famous.  I am famous already, probably.  Gamer Bitch.  I'll play games, strip tease, go all stupid, get fucked and enjoy life while making bank.

And he thinks I want to undo that?

Well.  My Master can be dumb sometimes but, you know, we're working on it.

Training each other real good.


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