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Yet another little thing I put on Discord!  Now for your enjoyment!

Joints popping while you're forced to all fours.  Crying out while sweat drips down the tip of your nose.  Huffing, nostrils opening and closing while breathing through the pain as your face grows broad.  Flexing forward on your toes and forefeet.  Feeling the pain of muscle and tendon tearing you apart.  Flesh bubbling out over the knuckles of your feet while fur pierces the skin.  You feel the floor dragging against the bottom of your foot as it widens.  Your toenails tap the floor and then scrape when they curve forward into dense, black claws.  You gasp and growl when your ankle pops, forcing you forward until you brace yourself.  Staring down at the floor with gold cracked eyes and your long hair cascading around your lengthening muzzle.  Toes bulging when the roots of your new claws spread down to attach to the tips of the bones, anchoring themselves in place.  Clothes biting into your body until tears form to show patchy fur.  Panties pulled tight between your sex, sawing back and forth until the seat snaps when your hips crack.  The sensation of the cold floor against your toes is fading.  Black specks appear on the skin beneath your toes and along your forefeet as fatty tissue forms, pushing against the flesh.  Your claws gouge the floor when you stretch forward with an unearthly groan, breasts rocking beneath you as you shake yourself, throwing the remnants of your clothes to the wall and floor.  Dark padding swelling on your feet and palms while you paw and claw at the floor and growl, lifting your head to scent the air.

Hardened lines appearing in your previously soft legs, veins pressing against your skin, calf muscles flaring out.  Trembling and snarling when the new muscles form.  Blood coursing through you until you feel the energy rising.  The energy and the urge to run.  And move.

Fur spreading over your body as you growl, stretching your chest and shoulders high, arching your back, hands spread with your paws against the ground.  Moaning and growling and groaning at the feeling of your skin growing tight when the fur covers you and then releasing.  Whole body shaking from it until you relax and release, drool dripping, fangs gnashing, tail curled, huffing and growling and staring into the distance where you can smell prey.

Faint traces caught on the wind.  Threads weaving their way towards you as you pick them apart to recognize which is which.  The wolf inside you recognizing the faint nuances of fear and aggression - predator and prey.  Breathing deeply, broad chest swelling while you lick your lips.  Marking how fresh the scents are - how close they are to you.  Following the shifting wind to see how it changes the scent until the new part of you, deep within your brain begins to build a simple map with glowing lines.  Where the prey was, where it's moving.  Where other predators are.  Knowing they'll flee at your scent.   Moving silently with the wind always against you to hide your own scent as you start to track.

You've walked the forest as a child, and as an adult, only ever hearing the faint calls of birds overhead and nothing else.  Now, an empty forest made alive.  The amount of information almost overwhelming.  You can taste where a predator marked your scent for the first time - the confidence suddenly tinged with acrid terror while branching off, racing far away from you and your growing territory.  You know they've run because the scent is sparse, spread out over a distance.  You huff and then crouch, following your prey.



These "little things" are so great! Like little bite-size snacks to cure fetish cravings haha. Always fresh and uniquely spicy - never stale and predictable. You always find some new aspect or nuance of the change to emphasize be it physical or mental.


Ah, thanks! The base of the stories are pretty repetitive so I have to try to add little spices to keep them interesting. Little tweaks of things sometimes. I'm glad that's noticed!