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You ever wanted to add really thick and stringy cum to your scene? Yeah, me too! I started looking into unity's particle system and found the trail module which was exactly what I was looking for. And to manipulate all kinds of variables I also wrote a script for this asset!

You may have even seen a few posts from me on discord about this plugin. I actually intended it just to be a little asset as a "finisher" for an upcoming scene. But since I've got a lot of messages that I should consider making it a standalone release here it is!

Since this is my first plugin I wrote, there are bound to be mistakes or weird behavior from the particle system. So I decided to make this more like an early access release that I intend to update regularly. If you find any weird bugs for have suggestions on how to make it better, please come over to the discord channel and write me about it :)

This asset is available to download on the discord server!

See the discord post how to get access if you haven't already

Credits and a big thanks to hazmhox for their astounding fluids 101 plugin, which was the starting point for the cum editor!



Petter Hansen

Really cool you are making this, but when I use it, it doesn't look like anything in your demo video. It is really buggy. The video looks really nice.


Works for me like the demo, only issue is the drip down effect, it looks perfect until it starts to run, then it extends faaaaar like a long straight line that never stops.. if that could be shortened or even removed it would look great on my end. I wouldn't mind if it just dripped off as is.


This is awesome. Now I can alter Sevenseason's double barrel scene and VamG-san's beach paizuri scene. Because those have so far the best cum prepping/reflex re-actions.