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There Will Be Blood - Patreon Version



Punch Drunk Love is my favorite PTA movie. Weird, surreal and heartwarming.

Noe Ramirez

I honestly believe method acting is always dumb as hell. Lol Its the most pretentious thing in the world to me and I fucking hate it. I think it's more impressive to be able to switch on and off like a dime. Method acting doesn't actually seem as impressive to me. I could be just be a hater though, and full of it. haha


"Crime and drama"? Well they got it half-right I guess.


Just to add on the earlier Jonny Greenwood comment, this soundtrack is amazing. One of my favorites. It should have won the Oscar that year for best original score, but it didn't qualify. Jonny did compose an original score, he also used songs from an album he previously released as well as elements from other songs from other artists.

Logan Kerlee

This movie was pretty lax on the drama. It tried to have us care for some of the characters but those attempts felt false and as though they were unnecessary. I don't know. I really didn't care about any of them.


Last of the Mohicans has been recommended so often it seems like you're purposefully ignoring it.

Ginge Tomassi

I recommend going back and watching that short scene after HW leaves Daniel's house as all we need to know is shown to us there. We see in the scene that Daniel clearly loves his son as he plays with him but then he gets up pushes HW to the side and begins to walk off to the Oil derrick in the distance. Daniel loves HW put at every opportunity he had he chose his ambition and drive for success over his son.


This film makes me think about Kenneth Copeland; both oil billionaire and false prophet.