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Meet the Parents - Patreon Version



I love this movie. Stiller, De Niro and Wilson are hilarious. Also, great movie cat with Jinx. De Niro was smitten with them (2 cats were used) and asked the director to include Jinx in more scenes:)

Tay Schumaker

I remember being so frustrated the first time I watched this. But it has some pretty hilarious moments, and Owen Wilson steals every scene he’s in

Christopher Feiertag

It’s interesting that George doesn’t think I’m trustworthy, because of my phobia of 🐶. 😂


Truman Show, that's one movie where Jim Carrey played that kind of role

Orphan Crippler

Pam suuuckss.. This movie should of been called "Get Out" or "Nope"


Just one more thing we have to do....Meet the fockers

Dustin Duvall

Junior year of high school, the first time meeting my girlfriends parents was to apologize because they caught us sexting. I'm from a small town and he was a cop 😆

Mr. Writhms

Hey, Cinepeeps: For 2 great comedies with Robert De Niro, please check out "Midnight Run" (1988) and "The King of Comedy" (1982).

Shane Darcy

You guys gotta check out the sequel ‘Meet the Fockers’. Just as good! ‘Little Fockers’ is probably skippable though, lol


George, consideringI’ve had to say grace many times with family while not being a believer… you can generally get away without saying any very religious. In my experience it’s mostly about saying how grateful you are for the food we have to eat and the people we get to be with (giving thanks) Either that or you can do the “two little mice fell into a bucket of creme” story from Catch Me if You Can. Also Simone, Greg’s prayer went into the song “Day by Day” from Godspell


If someone had somehow compelled me to say grace I would simply thank the host for the effort that was made and the food that was prepared.


Names on movie posters are arranged due to billing order, according to the contracts: https://www.greig.cc/why-names-rarely-match-up-with-faces-on-movie-posters/

Ry Jo

PLEASE do ‘Meet the Fockers’ i mean you keep asking what Greg's parents are like... well... in that one... lol


G&S - Where are you guys going for your vacations?


I feel like the high levels of pressure parents might put on a potential mate tends to happen more in upper class society...where a marriage is more than just a romantic connection, and becomes a family alliance. Money/Power/Influence becomes more important and the marriages often become semi arranged.

Jeff I.

They posted a clip on YT yesterday. George and his girlfriend went to Greece, while Simone is taking a nice trip to her cozy bed. :-)


Might be most notable for being one of the last successful mean-spirited comedies. By the mid 00's we'd moved away from having antagonists that are allowed to be assholes while still being funny.

Joe D. MacGuffinstuff

Yeah now you have to Meet The Fockers haha, I thought it was funny, I haven't seen the third movie but I heard it wasn't great. Ben Stiller really had a great run from the late 90s into the 2000s, him and Jim Carrey, which is why I have to recommend Cable Guy, Ben Stiller directing Jim Carrey, it's a little different from anything Jim Carrey has done but worth a watch. This movie was so popular at the time I remember, my roommate's dog had a litter of puppies and they named one of them Focker (which is a real name, I think there was even a Dutch plane in WW1 called the Fokker), I ended up taking Focker, and he was the best dog I've ever had, literally saved my ass one time. I called him Focks for short, and people thought I was misspelling Fox, because he kind of looked like a fox, actually more like an Akita, and people thought he was a red husky, which isn't a thing. Damn I miss that dog.

Logan Kerlee

Awesome reaction! :) Super enjoyed watching along. :)


It's SO frustrating! I still love it though. Pamela also drove me kinda nuts because she kept setting him up for failure and making every situation more uncomfortable for him.


Not quite as good, but definitely worth a watch. Hippie Dustin Hoffman and Barbara Streisand are great.


Did they go through her phone and she didn't have a lock? I'm not a parent so I can only say from my perspective, but idk if I would want to snoop on my kids to that level. Especially since they're 16-17 and deserve some privacy.


Bless this food, and then bless it some more. I know it needs blessin', because I've eaten here before...


Ah, I only watch them on Patreon since it has all of the clips. Stay-cations are fun! But I'd much rather go to Greece. I can't really afford to drop 5-7k on a week long trip right now though.

Dustin Duvall

This was on AIM messenger, I'm showing my age lol. I guess she left it open and they took their opportunity. While it was terribly awkward, I will say they didn't tell my parents and, while it's possible they held it against me internally, they never expressed it or gave us a hard time going forward. She ended up not being worth all the trouble but that's another story lol

D Anthony

You guys haven't seen Me, Myself and Irene yet. That's a role where Jim Carrey plays a major pushover.


As a male nurse I get mistaken for a MD on a daily basis lol


On the subject of comedy, I would like to suggest two lesser-known works, firstly the mini-series “Garth Marenghi's Darkplace”, a kind of parody of 80s mystery horror television, which I am sure you would both enjoy very much and which can even be found on youtube. Secondly, “Black Dynamite”, a homage to blaxploitation films and in my humble opinion one of the funniest films of the last two decades.


Yes “Fokker” was a Dutch aircraft company that made the famous World War 1 German Fokker Dr.I Dreidecker (The Red Baron’s triplane aircraft), as well as others. The company lasted from 1912 to 1996.


I'm in the UK so it could be that we have different versions, 29.9FPS v 25FPS, but it seems that my version is much faster. How strange. It should result in a 4 minute different, but 16-17mins in I can easily be over a minute faster. I'm having to stop and start to match. I can get US versions so not complaining, just something I noticed and never realised it was still a thing. This film is so incredibly awkward. I love it.


Another comedy you two should watch is You Don't Mess with the Zohan 2008


Well do you actively dislike them or are you just scared of them, there's a difference.


Yes it's George Blaine Charles David Earl Frederick Gerald Hubert Irvin John Kenneth Lloyd Martin Nero Oliver Paul Quincy Randolph Sherman Thomas Uncas Victor William Xerxes Yancy Zeus Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorffwelchevoralternwarengewissenhaftschaferswessenschafewarenwohlgepflegeundsorgfaltigkeitbeschutzenvonangreifendurchihrraubgierigfeindewelchevoralternzwolftausendjahresvorandieerscheinenvanderersteerdemenschderraumschiffgebrauchlichtalsseinursprungvonkraftgestartseinlangefahrthinzwischensternartigraumaufdersuchenachdiesternwelchegehabtbewohnbarplanetenkreisedrehensichundwohinderneurassevonverstandigmenschlichkeitkonntefortpflanzenundsicherfreuenanlebenslanglichfreudeundruhemitnichteinfurchtvorangreifenvonandererintelligentgeschopfsvonhinzwischensternartigraum.


Yeaaah it's really dumb that digitized streaming platforms still adopted the PAL and NTSC system... So unnecessary.


It's much cheaper if you're willing to flight for like 20 hours with multiple layovers lol. Which is what we did...


Can I say what Apu said at dinner once? "Good rice good curry good Ghandi let's hurry"


It's all good, Akaash Singh the comedian literally has a comedy special called "Bring back Apu" It's actually pretty good, you can see it for free on YT.


hopefully the billing department makes the same mistake when they cut you a paycheck lol


My friend went there last year and I believe went to Athens, Mykonos, and Santorini. She said Athens was here favorite.

Brian Sittler

For a funnier & better Robert De Niro movie, please watch the action-comedy classic “Midnight Run”. I think you all would love it.

Gary Fixler

On my first Christmas break my freshman year of college, my mom and I met up with my sophomore girlfriend and her family at a mall halfway between our houses (turned out we lived in neighboring states) for lunch. She was 19, and her oldest brother was 36, so her parents were both quite older by this point. Upon meeting me, he shook my hand enthusiastically, and asked "So what do you think of my daughter's bed?" I was frozen like a deer in headlights, and she was, too. After about a decade of staring at him in horror, as he kept shaking my hand, he said "built it myself!" And huge relief slowly swept over everyone. He had built her loft bed in her dorm room. He knew I was into woodworking (I later built myself a loft bed in my own dorm room), and he was proud of it, and actually wanted to know what I thought of it. I learned that was just how he was. Just a bit clueless. She told me he once asked her, slightly annoyed while watching a documentary on dinosaurs, "How do they know what all these dinosaurs were called?!" I said "he had to have been joking," and she looked down a bit sad and shook her head no. Sweet man. We never went up in her bed together, because she didn't trust his woodworking skills.

Trevor S Bright

Curious if you 2 will watch the sequel "Meet the Fockers" where we finally meet the people who named their son Gaylord! LOL