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Shutter Island - Patreon Version


Bon Wa

I'm really excited to watch this with you guys. It's been a while since I saw it back when it first came out in theaters.

Justin James

Koyaanisqatsi mentioned!!!

Nathan Jasper

Oh yes! I've been looking forward to this one for a long time!!


more scorsese please!


I love how Simone describes Koyaanisqatsi, one of the best non-narration based documentaries of all time. It’s all about how we are so disconnected from nature and the environment and it’s a super powerful film. I love it and I’d love to see a reaction to it, but that would do terrible numbers… terrible terrible numbers. Also if you like Koyaanisqatsi check out Baraka which is a spiritual sequel from the cinematographer of Koyaanisqatsi, Ron Fricke. It has the most powerful chanting scene I’ve ever seen. These people from Bali do this chanting dance called the Kecak and it’s SO COOL. https://youtu.be/2WHx2ITKtUg?si=Q9U8LJndA2jwvPwY The film The Fall by visionary director Tarsem borrows themes, visuals and locations from both of these documentaries and recontextualizes them into a beautiful fairy tale. It’s one of the most visually stunning movies ever and it’s all because of practical effects and the beauty of planet earth. Highly recommend all three films, Koyaanisqatsi, Baraka and The Fall. It makes for a beautiful triple feature especially if you partake in the good green.


This movie is one of Scorsese’s odder efforts, mainly because it doesn’t feel like one of his movies at least outwardly psychologically. Heavy, trippy stuff indeed! Uh one story I have is at a best mate’s bachelor party we all got so high there’s 10 minutes of video of five guys staring at pasta salad and like cavemen we’re grunting and pointing wondering whose it was and then we literally fall alseep one by one on the floor coz it was 3am. Just another Tuesday Down Under, really 🤷🏻‍♂️

Bartos Marcell

It's fascinating to watch people not picking up on the boatload of clues given, the same way I didn't cath them the first time.

Martin Roca

One of those movies that you need to rewatch now that you know all, amazing!

Carlos Hurtado

This movie is trippy as hell!

Nathan Jasper

Scorsese doesn't regret Shutter Island because of the movie itself, he regrets directing it because he wanted to direct his passion project Silence which he had to give up to make Shutter Island.


Definitely one of those movies you have to watch a second time to appreciate fully. Great reaction!

Michael Robayo

He did'nt write RUN himself; everyone was playing along, and the inmates/patients knew what was happening, so they wanted to help him possibly escape.

Orpheas Paphitis

If ever a movie deserved a second reaction, after a decent interval, it's this one.

Jeff I.

*tries to get a crowd chant going* Gangs of New York! Gangs of New York! I mean, it's got a great setting and Daniel Day Lewis is amazing in it.


This is my second viewing of this movie and it's so fun looking for all the clues, for example Chuck not knowing how to take his gun holster off and the way the guards were acting around Teddy.

Joshua M Freeman

Simone's stories are like arthouse films


The actress who plays Rachel is Emily Mortimer, she's really great. And good to know George has seen the fantastic Newsroom, no need to suggest it then i guess.


Ive always felt the ending wouldve been even better if it was left open with no cotext. And you the veiwer would have to decide if he was actually crazy, or they really did trick him to insanity.

Nathan Jasper

I think you're probably right, silence was in 2016 while Shutter Island was in 2011 https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/films/news/leonardo-dicaprio-shutter-island-martin-scorsese-b2421465.html

Odd Thomas

Scorsese's best film imo. The Aviator with Dicaprio is great too.

John Lambert

Please react to Taxi Driver, King of Comedy, Casino and Raging Bull. They're Scorsese's best films along with Goodfellas which you've seen.


This is such a good movie to watch twice, so you get all the references, all the double entendre of the characters, the way they look at Leonardo DiCaprio. Such a good rewatch experience


Requests: - Little Children (2006) - Easy A (2010) - White Noise (2022) - The Poseidon Adventure (1972) - Purple Rain (1984) - The Insider (1999)


A good looking, pulpy and atmospheric movie, but i thought it was pretty obvious. A main character with vividly surreal dreams and a clearly traumatised and fractured psyche at a mental institution? What else was the ending going to be? I think i was 20 minutes in the first time i watched it when i started to look for every hint and clue that Teddy was the insane one. My least favourite Scorsese movie.

Brad Lowry

Another great thing to do with old skis (snow or water) is to use them as the fanned out back-slats of an Adirondack Chair... since it seems you have a bunch of them :-)

Anna Komnena

Regarding the German language this time: Leo did it himself, and it was pretty good. He speaks German because of his German grandmother and the time he spent in Germany as a child.

Brad Lowry

"Named for Albert Gary of Judiciary fame." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XihLS-jA_Dg

Odd Thomas

Another good thriller to watch is Identity, with John Cusack.

Chase Schleich

Oh yeah, they should definitely watch The Aviator. I'm a patron of 4 different reaction channels. They all tend to watch the same films when there's thousands of other great movies out there no one is reacting to. The Aviator being one of them.

Nathan Jasper

Exactly! And many have stated Shutter Island not getting nominated was one of the biggest snubs at least in recent Oscar history.

Jacob King

I like when Scorsese gets into pulpy B-movie territory. I’d take this or Cape Fear over some of his more serious masculinity movies. When it comes to adapting Denis Lehane novels Ben Affleck’s Gone Baby Gone is still the best.

Maarten Martens

The camps and the lake scene still haunt me. I watched this film in the dark on my own, and I really had to gather myself together afterwards. The score and the acting are so good. It's so heartbreaking, but also incredible and clever.


Enjoyed this more this time with you two. Gangs of New York next? :)


Scorsese sure does love working with Leo. Can ya blame him?


Yeah, it's almost better the second time around. I remember re-watching "The sixth sense" and being like "omg...there's clues everywhere!" You get a totally different perspective.


Simone tells a story like every woman in my life, and George's face says it all haha

Tay Schumaker

Silence is brilliant and has 0 chance of showing up on the channel. But it really got to me

George Amberson

I guess the comment section is a good place to come to if you don’t actually wanna watch the movie! We’re here with content creators that are watching movies and television programs for the first time…can we maybe assume that there are patrons watching for the first time as well and give maybe a day or two of the video being out before just spoiling the entire movie in the comment section? I know it’s on me for looking at the comments before watching, but this has been a good place to skim through when trying to determine if the version watched is a theatrical or director’s cut. Not knowing the film, I didn’t know if this had multiple versions or not, and I try to avoid IMDB specifically to avoid pre-watch spoilers. I guess going forward I’ll just put on whatever version of the film I have easiest access to, and if it’s wrong I’ll just come here to read about what everyone else saw. Sorry for being salty, I’m just disappointed that I came here first and had my experience with the film altered from what it could have been. I know it’s on me, but it’s still a bummer. Keep up the good work guys, I love your reactions!


One thing you'll notice a lot in the 2nd viewing, is every time Leo's character's anger starts to pop up even slightly, Mark Ruffalo will glance over to Sir Ben to make sure they're both on the same page and to have their wits about them because he might flip out like he has in the past.


Same, I was very glad to watch this as a reaction for the first time, because it felt like an hour and a half of waiting for the inevitable twist.

Queen of Farts

I won't let any Silence bashing go by without me staunchly defending it. Silence is easily Scorsese's most underrated film and I'd rank it amongst Goodfellas, Taxi Driver and all his top-tier classics.

Nathan Jasper

There's always a chance no matter how minute. The way I look at it, eventually all the popular requests will be used up and then The underdogs will start winnng :) so don't stop recommending it, it'll win one day!

Orphan Crippler

They tell you the exact runtime of the movie, all you need to do is find the version that has that runtime.


I loved re-watching this with you guys. You pointed out a lot of clues i never noticed before. Like they way Chuck didn't know how to remove the holster, one of the board members saying "I love that one" after mentioning the Law of 4 and especially the glass disappearing from the patient's hand.

Jeff I.

Such a great movie! As others have mentioned, there are a lot of little clues you notice upon second watch. One that most people miss is the fact that the pair of shoes that Chuck holds up when they're first searching Rachel's room are men's shoes instead of women's. Also, toward the beginning when DiCaprio is questioning the white, male nurse/orderly in the scene where the night staff are all gathered together in the room, if you look to the side of the screen, you'll see that the black, male orderly has a tense face and his hand clenched in a fist, as if he's preparing to defend himself/others from Leo at any moment should Leo 'snap' and get violent (as they all know he does sometimes).


I get your frustration in this particular instance but my understanding is the comment section under the finished movie reaction would usually if not always have spoilers. Usually George remembers to verify if it's a director's cut or whatever at the beginning of the reaction and/or in the description. I'm not aware of any other version of this particular movie. I get sad about spoilers myself. I'm sorry this one was messed up for you.


At least he got to touch a lighthouse before the whole eyecipick thing.


Patrice O’Neal has an iconic bit about precisely this hahah.


Some would argue that’s exactly how it did end. To this day I still see people making valid points for both sides of the argument pertaining to whether or not he was actually crazy. It’s much more clear cut in the novel, but Scorsese made the film version a bit more ambiguous.

Guy Gordon

That's an impressive variety. Purple Rain and The Poseidon Adventure would make such a weird double feature.

Guy Gordon

Fully agreed. And Ron Fricke's Samsara, which is his fantastic follow-up to Baraka.

George Amberson

It’s all good. Like I said, it’s on me. I was naive in thinking it was still early enough in the video’s lifecycle that major spoilers wouldn’t be present. I apologize to all that took the time to read my whiny post! Good vibes to all!


Speaking of Alcatraz, watch “Escape from Alcatraz” from 1979. Great adventure movie.


My friend group decided that sensation is the Sleepy Hahas. Runner ups were the giggle fits, drowsy doozies and my personal favorite illiterate revelations. (The last one didn't stick because if you think about it.... you missed the point)

beecroft adams

Ben Kingsley in Sexy Beast, Emily Mortimer in Lars and the real girl and they're both in Hugo.


I had seen the film, and sometimes I worry about Simone. Like installment 4 of Chernobyl, some things are very tough. Both of these films are great accomplishments, but they walk the line of context. How terrible and potentially trauma inducing is acceptable in a given film? George, you've seen "Salo". Simone never needs to see that, but I don't think it was intended as a pure exploitation film by its creators. "Shutter Island" is so terrible at the end that I would not recommend it to people I know to be sensitive. That's why I sometimes worry for Simone. George - you're more resilient. You're on your own.

Joe D. MacGuffinstuff

Oh man I sometimes forget how great Leo is, he did such a great job at the end of alternating between being powerful and vulnerable. That was gut wrenching, and that piece of music, it was in Arrival too, and I think another movie, it gets me every time. Now you gotta watch The Aviator.

Jacob King

On The Nature of Daylight by Max Richter. I fell in love with it on Spotify and then realised it was in so many of my favourite films that I had probably already heard it a hundred times.


Dang, i was wondering where i know the music from. Of course, Arrival. Thanks mate.

James O'Sullivan

Second time watching this, realised I'd forgotten pretty much everything but the twist. Was fun spotting the many clues though.


Nah. George teased Simone about saying she never “touched” a lighthouse in their open. I was referencing that. Loved me all the bioshock games though.

simon brouillard

Just listening to the beginning of the video and had an idea for a pole. Martin Scorsese movies with Robert Deniro: 1973 Mean Streets, 1976 Taxi Driver, 1977 New York New York, 1980 Raging Bull, 1983 The King of Comedy, 1991 Cape Fear, 1995 Casino, 2019 The Irishman, 2023 Killers of the Flower Moon. 🙂


I very much like that piece of music, but I think it works much better in Arrival than it does here. Probably because I saw Arrival first. And to me, it’s a somehow a much more painful scene than the ones here (despite the horrific aspect of children being murdered), largely because Amy Adams eventually learns what will happen to her daughter and still chooses to go through with it. I find that aspect much more emotionally devastating.


Ben Kingsley in “Ghandi” needs to be seen next, I think. But Sexy Beast is excellent.


Yeah, it’s well made and looks amazing but my partner and I were saying around the first 30-40 minutes or so that “maybe it’s all in his head!” I found the movie rather underwhelming. It was fine, but not especially riveting. I felt it was a bit too long and dragged somewhat.


I would love for George and Simone to watch The Poseidon Adventure (1972), and The Towering Inferno (1974), some of the greatest classic disaster films ever.

Joe D. MacGuffinstuff

Agreed, in that respect I have to say it was better for Arrival, it was used well in Shutter Island but because of the way it's both tragic and beautiful at the same time, better in Arrival. Both movies involved a horrible choice but Shutter Island was utterly tragic, Arrival, like the music it was tragic but also beautiful in a way. Music always gets me, but I have noticed that movies with good music also tend to be good in general, directors with good musical taste haha


Shhhh alright alright, go ahead and try to tell the story...who got shot?

Alan Kobb

Great reaction of a very upsetting movie. FYI, the "massacre" at Dachau was true, although there are varying accounts of how many Germans were killed, and the circumstances. Another thing that is documented is that on the way to Dachau, the soldiers passed the train depicted in the movie, with thousands of dead prisoners piled in the cars and spilling out as well as piles of bodies all around and the SS tried to finish off their prisoners before the advancing Allied soldiers arrived. Many believe that the "massacre" was more a case that the horrified soldiers snapped.

Julian G

Watch it again!

Philipp Roensch

Shotskis in sheds are the best.^^ I've got a few stories of endlessly fun evenings from doing LARP, can't really explain it to others, because sometimes you become so one with your character (and so drunk), that every minute there feels like another life. That is the goal :D. Anyway, this movie is great, and a tough watch, loved the reaction!


Koyaanishotskis. Brilliant.

Jojack Mcgurk

A really amazing underrated movie about those old institutions is Stonehearst Asylum. It was incredible and very slept on