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Breaking Bad: Season 5 - Episode 1 & 2 - Patreon Exclusive



first ;) I can't wait for this, soooo




Are you including 'El Camino' as part of season 5 watch or is that separate?

Reid Mclellan

I totally understand not doing BCS automatically without a poll, it would be unfair for everyone who's not interested, but are they gonna watch the movie? I can't remember if they've spoken on that


Yes!!!! More Breaking Bad, love you two doing reaction’s to this amazing show ( my all time favorite drama/crime show ) I’ll actually be sad when you two finish this. But hey, hopefully you pick SOA or Soprano’s as the next series you do ( fingers crossed 🤞🏻 ) and another really great series you should do is Barry, it’s not long at all. I think it had 5 seasons, and each episode is about a half hour long. It’s an amazing show, so I’ll throw that suggestion out there


Hopefully they do, as a huge Breaking Bad fan that is still obsessed with after all these years lol I loved the movie. I know a lot of people didn’t like it. But I enjoyed it for what it was.


Man, feels like we're back in 2012/2013. Waiting a week for the next episode was really hard back then. And that gap between episode 8 and 9 felt like forever. Thanks for doing this, reminds me of better times.


Live Free or Die was this quote by Revolutionary War hero General John Stark. The full quote was “ Live Free Or Die; Death Is Not The Worst of Evils.”


The last chapter of this incredible journey. I'm so excited for you. George, I'm surprised you didn't know about "live free or die" because George Carlin did a bit about that and "famous potatoes" which is Idaho's slogan, talking about the vast difference between the two slogans. I think his punchline was, "I'm sure the truth lies somewhere between the two, probably a little bit closer to famous potatoes."


I hope they do BCS but it will be a bear to edit, I think. LOTS of scenes, entire scenes, that are music only with zero dialog. And then there are plenty of long monologues to boot. Going to be a challenge for sure. Still hope they do it though.


Better call Saul gotta be next !!!!! :):):)

Bill Bliss

Live free or die… no Diehard reference, it is the state motto of New Hampshire.

Carlos Hurtado

Of all the funny moments in the show, Simone laughs the hardest at Franch. Never change, Simone 🤣

Leo Gets

tbf that man has an absurd amount of material lol. to just know it all off the top of anyones head would be pretty crazy.

Will Sofer

Walt was always the villain. It just takes time for all of us to realize that. Guy is a straight-up psychopath.

Johnny Liu

please do both halves of season 5 in one go! both halves fly by!

Will Sofer

Also, George was correct. The state motto of New Hampshire was originally a slogan during the American Revolutionary War. Generally considered one of the cooler state mottos, and still relevant (democracy, and all). Thankfully, it hasn’t been co-opted by extremists, like the Gadsden flag (“don’t step on me” snake flag), and so many other slogans and symbols.

Leo Gets

? they already said they are. like so many times in this video and previous ones.


Breaking bad do a wonderful job making bad people seem good. Like Jessie who kills people, sells drugs in AA meetings and makes addicts relapse or Mike who has openly killed a lot of people. Everyone in this show is NOT good. Mike does not care about Lydia's daughter he is a hitman. Jessie has trauma because he is a terrible human being not because stuff was done to him. Only Skylar and Walt are the bad guys to a lot of people who watch this. Breaking bad did an excellent job at making murders seem like nice people. An old man and a good looking bad boy, smart!


One of the biggest pet peeves with this show is Jessie's teeth. How is a meth addict walking around with pearly whites and perfect skin??? lolol

E. D.

At the beginning of the first episode I was wondering why Slovis is not the DOP anymore but then I saw he´s the director then in the 2nd episode he´s DOP again as usual

Jeff K

I know that the cold open ends with a dude offing himself, but I can’t help it: every single time I watch it, I end up desperately wanting tater tots.


Wouldn't call Mike a good guy. He was ready to kill Walt who also has children. IMO He's only thinking of his granddaughter

Brad Lowry (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-07 16:40:54 Hey Guys, I gotta stick up for Nicolas Cage... he's one of those actors that has done a LOT of crappy blockbusters, I'll admit. I haven't seen "Gone in 60 Seconds" but it seems my judgement not to see that was correct. He is also a guy that has done some really amazing films. My favorite is Adaptation, where he plays twins in what might be my favorite Charlie Kaufman screenwritten film, "Adaptation". Some people love "City of Angels" with him and Meg Ryan. Most famously he won the Oscar for Best Actor for "Leaving Las Vegas". His breakout film - to me - is "Peggy Sue Got Married", also highly nominated. A personal, "hidden gem" to me is "Matchstick Men" where he works as a con man with his partner played by Sam Rockwell. In fact, because of the Hot-n-Cold nature of his films, I haven't seen "World Trade Center" because I couldn't tell whether is was just some box-office crap about that delicate topic or a truly good film about a tough subject, like the amazing "United 93" where the surviving families gave Paul Greengrass an award for how respectfully he treated the matter. Finally, a fun detail that I like about him is that he personally changed his name to "Cage" to prevent getting undue sway from director types from his original last name of "Copola" as he is a nephew or something of Francis Ford... unless that story was apochryphal. YaY!
2024-05-07 16:00:27 Hey Guys, I gotta stick up for Nicolas Cage... he's one of those actors that has done a LOT of crappy blockbusters, I'll admit. I haven't seen "Gone in 60 Seconds" but it seems my judgement not to see that was correct. He is also a guy that has done some really amazing films. My favorite where he plays twins in what might be my favorite Charlie Kaufman screen-written film is "Adaptation". Some people love "City of Angels" with him and Meg Ryan. Most famously he won the Oscar for Best Actor for "Leaving Las Vegas". His breakout film - to me - is "Peggy Sue Got Married", also highly nominated. A personal, "hidden gem" to me is "Matchstick Men" where he works as a con man with his partner played by Sam Rockwell. In fact, because of the Hot-n-Cold nature of his films, I haven't seen "World Trade Center" because I couldn't tell whether it is was just some box-office crap about that delicate topic or a truly good film about a tough subject, like the amazing "United 93" where the surviving families gave Paul Greengrass an award for how respectfully he treated the matter. Finally, a fun detail that I like about him is that he personally changed his name to "Cage" to prevent getting undue sway from director types from his original last name of "Copola" as he is a nephew or something of Francis Ford... unless that story was apochryphal. YaY!

Hey Guys, I gotta stick up for Nicolas Cage... he's one of those actors that has done a LOT of crappy blockbusters, I'll admit. I haven't seen "Gone in 60 Seconds" but it seems my judgement not to see that was correct. He is also a guy that has done some really amazing films. My favorite where he plays twins in what might be my favorite Charlie Kaufman screen-written film is "Adaptation". Some people love "City of Angels" with him and Meg Ryan. Most famously he won the Oscar for Best Actor for "Leaving Las Vegas". His breakout film - to me - is "Peggy Sue Got Married", also highly nominated. A personal, "hidden gem" to me is "Matchstick Men" where he works as a con man with his partner played by Sam Rockwell. In fact, because of the Hot-n-Cold nature of his films, I haven't seen "World Trade Center" because I couldn't tell whether it is was just some box-office crap about that delicate topic or a truly good film about a tough subject, like the amazing "United 93" where the surviving families gave Paul Greengrass an award for how respectfully he treated the matter. Finally, a fun detail that I like about him is that he personally changed his name to "Cage" to prevent getting undue sway from director types from his original last name of "Copola" as he is a nephew or something of Francis Ford... unless that story was apochryphal. YaY!


Yeah, there were NO german actors in that episode. xD

Jeff K

I know that Gone in 60 Seconds is not remotely a GOOD movie but damnit, I still thoroughly enjoy it (in a so bad it's good / let's watch this late at night with friends and beers sort of way).

Ballsac McGee

Some movie recommendations: First Man (2018) Green Room (2015) Blue Ruin (2013) Bone Tomahawk (2015) Pig (2021) (going off what the nic cage fanboy said) Her (2013) Suitable Flesh (2023) The Wrestler (2008) Windfall (2022) Punch-Drunk Love (2002) Body Double (1984) Safe (1995) The Quick and the Dead (1995) Atonement (2007)

Vwlss Nvwls

I always loved that line "it's the universal symbol for keys." :D I have been looking for a reason to use it ever since I heard it. :D

Chris B

Regarding the 3 bald head - don't search memes because you might stumble on a spoiler, but visualize this - Walt, Jessie, Gus, Hank, Mike, the Twins, manager of the laundry, Victor (who got cut with a box cutter)... with a caption "all the hard work the hair stylists did on BB" :)


I like how they made the scene with Mike killing Chris realistic with the silencer on the gun. Usually in shows/movies, a silencer makes a gun incredibly quiet, but in reality it's still pretty loud unless it's a really small caliber pistol.

Josh B

I friggn' love Lydia. She's such a mess and it's great.

Jeff K

Hell, Steve Gomez occasionally has close-cropped hair too. Huell, obviously, as well.

Honey Hermsen

When Hank's boss was talking about Fring, it was just like Hank's situation with Walt

Josh B

Yeah. I didn't quite get his flip here the first time I watched this years ago, but it's obviously the money for Kaylee and then when Lydia says "Promise me I won't disappear", he starts thinking about what he's leaving behind.

Josh B

Norbert Weisser who plays Schluer is German. Sure, he's lived in the US for 60 years, but he grew up in Germany.

Deadly Ramon

Hank, Gomez, and the DEA are bad guys, too, for trampling suspects' Constitutional rights. They do so to nab criminals and stop the production and trafficking of illegal drugs, but the ends do not justify the means.

Deadly Ramon

This brings to mind actor Sean Penn, who wanted to ruin his teeth for a starring role in his 1983 film, Bad Boys, which takes place in a juvenile detention facility. He thought having some busted teeth would make him a better fit for the role, but his mother talked him out of resorting to that extreme measure.

Deadly Ramon

They should watch El Camino immediately after Breaking Bad's conclusion.

Honey Hermsen

George is off on so many things

Deadly Ramon

Sons of Anarchy, Sopranos, Ozark, and Narcos should all be reacted to once Breaking Bad and its spinoffs are exhausted.

Deadly Ramon

They have to. They like Saul Goodman, so a whole series devoted to exploring the character's depths is an obvious selection. The question is just how long they'll wait before getting around to it (I hope the delay is short).


Wow this is a pleasant surprise. I thought you guys were still on Black Mirror this week. I love both BB and BM but I was excited for the final season of BB ❤️


I haven’t finished Ozark, I got bored with it because I thought it was slow. And I haven’t Narcos yet, I really want to though.

Ballsac McGee

mike is not a good person. he's a good person in the same way that Jesse and Walt are "good people". Every degenerate murderer, gangster, rapist, terrorist, whatever criminal anti-social behaviour they engage in has some noble justification for the bad things they do. I actually hate Mike more and more with each rewatch. This clown was down with an organization using children as drug runners, totally ok with killing those kids when they become a liability, murdering anyone that gets in their way, fueling an empire built on the suffering of tens of thousands of people, exploiting their addiction, ruining their lives and the lives of everyone around them. He's going to judge Walt like he's so much worse than him or Gus? What did Gus and Mike expect when they threatened to kill Walt and his family? Did they expect Walt to just roll over and die because they said so? Mike's sanctimonious one-liners aimed at Walt sound nice, but ring hollow when you realise that up to this point, his sins far outnumber Walt's and are likely far worse. To be clear, Walt is also evil, but I can't help but roll my eyes at Mike every time he tries to suggest that Walt was wrong for killing Gus because of some principled reason when it's obvious that Mike's snide remarks are coming from a place of bitterness due to the fact that Gus and by proxy him went to war with some dipshit chemistry teacher and lost.

Dan Holmes

Live Free or Die isn't Extreme when you are enslaved by a Tyrant

Vwlss Nvwls

I felt like Skyler for the few months my ex-wife had to live with me when she decided she was leaving me, but did not have a job or place to live yet. It was like living with the enemy, and I was afraid to do anything.

Vwlss Nvwls

The three bald heads... LOL... The Chrome Dome faction.


Simone said the word Soprano! It's a sign my fellow Paisans!

Dan Holmes

I adore Lydia :)


I probably should, I really liked it. It just kinda went a long slowly and I just quit watching, but tbh I do that with shows sometimes. And thanks for no spoilers, I appreciate it

Chris B

Yep...unfortunately Bill Burr appeared a bit too early in the show ;)

Tim T—

Apart from that everybody else spoke German only phonetically with off pronunciation. Even the writing was slightly non-idiomatic. But that’s a common occurrence in the English film industry – apart from the semi-fictional stereotypic Nazi accent. Product-design wise the scene was somewhat good – apart from Madrigal being a weird “Elektromotive” company which also does fast food and chemicals. Even the police uniforms are mostly correct for the German state of Lower Saxony. Super-special nitpicking: Instead of the Saxon coat of arms of a white horse on a field of red they had a weird white phoenix. Maybe something overcautious legal.

Bennett Holleman

Hogan's Heroes was a '60's sitcom about prisoners in a German POW camp that ridiculed the Nazis and featured actual Holocaust survivors in the cast.


So good to have you guys and BB back!

Jeff K

Given how much you guys like Saul and Mike (again, it’s not a secret that Mike is in the show), I CANNOT WAIT for you to watch Better Call Saul. I genuinely think, as great as BB is, BCS surpassed it. BB was #2 on my list of best shows ever (behind The Wire) but BCS took its spot for me. No spinoff/prequel has any right to be that damn perfect.

Cisco Furio

I can’t wait for you two to see this play out. I’m so here for it ❤️


Series Request: - The End of the F***ing World (2 seasons)

Max Hassam

Fun fact: The writers had literally zero idea what the context would be behind the E1 intro. They planned nothing. They also have set up the ricin, again with no specific plan in the writing room as to how it'd be resolved! In both cases they just liked the idea of ending up there and decided to figure out how to get there. I think Walt is fully aware of what people currently think of him, but he doesn't particularly care because he "won" against Gus and is still riding that wave of psychopathy. I think Mike was thinking both about Lydia's daughter plus his own granddaughter. The former made him hesitate, the latter made him decide to team up with Walt & Jesse.

Paul T Hewes

yeah...they were just throwing crap on the wall and writing towards it.


youd be surprised to know skyler is practically public enemy #1 in the brba fandom. its gotten to a point where anna gunn is berated herself. its ridiculously childish. but it used to be way worse, thankfully a lot more ppl are realizing they were wrong which is good to see. anna herself is relieved by it.


Also referenced in Futurama with the Neutral Planet's slogan, "Live Free or Don't"


Since Simone mentioned Mike's cool screwdriver, it's known as a Yankee Screwdriver (originally a brand name, but it became genericized) and was what people used from 1895 or so up until cordless electric drivers became practical and affordable. I guess it still has a niche, for example if you want something very compact and silent for a caper!


It's not that unbelievable, huge corporations get weird like that. GE at various times made everything from lightbulbs to military equipment to mainframes, owned a broadcast network, and had a huge financial services arm.

Thirty Year Old Mulberry Field

This reminds me of that speech Michael Corleone gives in the novel before he kills Sollozzo and the police captain (that got left out of the movie/was embellished with sarcasm), it’s always personal, it’s not actually about any “business”. Great reminder Ballsac.

Andrew Roach

Soooo, you've never watched Memento or 12 Monkeys.


Nic Cage is legitimately one of the best actors of his generation when he gets the right project. You missed a few, so if you havent seen them I highly recommend Lord of War, The Weather Man, and one of my favourites Bad Lieutenant: Port of call New Orleans where he gets to dial up the insane to huge levels for the right reasons. Pig is another one that's a great movie and a great performance from him. He was also great in Kick Ass and the Spiderverse movies.


Memento is good but I'd skip 12 Monkeys. Just my 2 cents. But in the vein of those movie types, I don't they've seen the greatest Noir sci fi ever. Dark City.

Paul G

When you guys finish the series there are two YouTube videos you absolutely have to watch, I really hope you'd even consider doing reactions to them. They both feature Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul and are hilarious. Titles are: "Aaron Paul Discovers Bryan Cranston Living in Breaking Bad RV // Omaze" "Barely Legal Pawn, feat. Bryan Cranston, Aaron Paul and Julia Louis-Dreyfus"

Paul G

George breaking my heart with the Gone in 60 Seconds comment, that's one of my favorite bad movies, lol!

Ghost Dog

Thanks, never knew what to call them. I' d like to inspre a list with movies featuring the Yankee Screwdriver (for appreciation). Let me start: Ghost Dog (1999)


Bcs is a snoozefest through and through and they’re all old asl for a prequel. Also Kailey Ehrmantraut is not the same person


LOL, I'll be waiting for the CineBinge "Movies with Yankee Screwdrivers" poll any day now!


Memento was amazing, I haven't seen it for ages yet I think about it all the time.


Simon saying Mike is a good person lol


Yeah, I was wondering if that (ie. growing up in germany but having lived in the US for decades) might be the case for some of the actors. They weren't bad - certainly not the worst german I've ever heard. (looking at you "Die Hard" ^^). And of course I'm not expecting more from a TV show. Not every production can be "Inglourious Basterds" where they cast every german actor ever. xD


All true! At the same time, I can see why people like him. Like everyone in the show, he's a terrible person played by a very charismatic actor. And as George likes to point out, it's always satisfying to see someone being competent at their job. And that's how we are introduced to him.

Jay Willis

was going to say the same, seemed they missed that connection (or at least didn't comment on it).

Chris B

lol..hot take ;) Not gonna argue...I'm just gonna quietly stand with Jeff here. BCS surpassed BB, it's not even an argument for me.

Jay Willis

I largely agree, Mike is by and large a bad person who likes to pretend he's not because he has some kind of moral code. He tries to conduct himself professionally and do the honorable thing, and there are certainly traits there that make him more sympathetic and likeable (similar to Jesse), like being a good "pop pop", loyalty, standing up for his men when Lydia wants them killed, etc. But I do think there's a few things you mentioned that i'd like to counter argue. There's no evidence to suggest Mike was ok with drug runners using kids. We never got confirmation one way or another that a) Fring (let alone Mike) knew the local thugs were using kids, and b) that Gus approved or gave the command to kill Tomas. He told them "No more kids". It's just as likely Gus assumed they would just cut the kids out of the action, and the thugs did things their own way. While Fring did threaten Walt's family, he only threatened them IF Walt didn't stay in his lane and stay away from Jesse. Gus fired Walt, and Walt in his arrogance and ego, taunted Gus and egged him on into threatening his family, but again it was conditional on Walt staying out of the way. Now granted he DID basically say he was going to kill Hank because Walt didn't make him go away. So I guess you could rephrase your question to "Did Mike expect when they threatened to kill Hank he was just going to let it happen?" To which I'd say, probably, haha. edit: But as Mike would say, Hank was "in the game". Whereas Walt's family wasn't. I question if push came to shove and Mike knew Gus was going to kill people who weren't "in the game" like Jr and Holly, would Mike let it happen? I'd like to think not, but who knows.

Jay Willis

It's not as action packed, but i personally found BCS to be the better written, directed, and produced show of the two. It's not for everyone plot wise and it is a bit slower in terms of development (especially Season 1), but for my money, you can see how the show runners developed their skill and craft throughout Breaking Bad, and in BCS you see a quality level that is unmatched from a production standpoint. Just my take though.

Jay Willis

Which is honestly impressive given how well the ending is crafted. Usually when writers do that they write themselves into a corner and it's one of the reasons people find series' finales so disappointing. That they were able to cover all those points and make it flow so cohesively was super impressive.


I mean in contrast to most of the other people in this show he really is


Man, I am dying for you guys to check out The Sopranos. Not only is it one of the greatest shows of all time, ushering in the "golden age of TV" and opening the door for "villain-as-protagonist" shows (Vince Gilligan said "Without Tony Soprano, there would be no Walter White"), it's a very intimate look into a very specific period of Americana which died with 9/11 and will never return. One of the core ideas of the show, introduced in the first couple of minutes, is the notion of "coming in at the end" and having missed out on the best of times.

Anthony De Los Santos

Mike 100% did not spare Lydia for the sake of her daughter. He was thinking completely about his own granddaughter’s well-being in that situation. He is definitely not a good person

Nathan Jasper

Write that down, George facepalmed his own joke LOL


kAiLeY eRhmAnTrAuT iS nOt ThE SaMe pErSoN LOL do you know how fast kids grow up? This is a prequal dude, you seriously expect them to cast an adolescent as a young kid, or do you think they should have invented time travel? What a ridiculous criticism


He overthinks, convinces himself his theory is the one going to play out and then seems perplexed when it doesn't.


I'm pretty sure he did sympathize a bit. That doesn't make him a good person, just means he has good sides to him like everyone else.


I think it's both. Mike is absolutely not a good guy but he's still empathetic at times. These characters are meant to be complex, nothing is that straightforward.


Here some tv show recommendations; Barry Oz Better call Saul Sopranos

Shane Driscoll

There were some fantastic character moments in this episode: - Jesse breaks down after finding the cigarette because until then, at least subconsciously, he was still suspicious that Walt had something to do with Brock's poisoning - Walt insists on not using the RV again because he's obsessed with proving that anything Gus could do, he could do better, and that includes hiding in plain sight. - When Skylar meets with Ted, you can tell she gets a taste of what enticed Walt into a life of crime. In that moment, she knows what it feels like to be powerful and feared. Of course, she's quickly disgusted with herself after the rush wears off. Anyways, I'm pretty sure that going straight from Black Mirror to the final season of Breaking Bad is grounds for a wellness check. There are some truly upsetting moments coming up that will make prior seasons look like Ted Lasso.


This show is about how everyone is neither all the way good or all the way bad.

Tom M

Push drills are cool too. My dad had an old craftsman with the bits in the handle. Fine for most stuff like apt. living. I looked for one recently and Lowe’s/HD didn’t have them.

Ethan Holgate

Walt fully becomes Heisenberg in this season


Please don't put spoilers here. It doesn't benefit anyone

Chris Bruneau

not as spoiler bro. the title kinda gives away what is happening with Walter White


As a German, the 2nd episode is doubly funny... "se Germans" 😂 But the German is blatantly bad, why didn't they use native speakers?


Oh my god, it's like Gus and Hector's Spanish. It's honestly a little painful to listen to.

Phil french

Ugh. Another “he’s 100% evil” reactor. Everyone is so hung up on binary characterization these days.


I’m just into episode one of the season at the moment, but I find it unbelievable that Walt forgot about the cameras before he blew up the lab. Throughout the last few seasons he’s constantly thinking about and looking at the cameras. Maybe that’ll be somehow explained later on?