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Golden Eye - Patreon Version


Odd Thomas

A good Minnie Driver movie is Grosse Point Blank

E. D.

Pls watch all of the movies, start with the first one, there are a bunch of interesting villains for you to discover in all the bonds


I am just now finding out that this and casino royale (2006) are directed by the same person

Jesse Coombs

Also, if you want to see a more grounded "spy flick", I would recommend "Ronin". It stars Robert Deniro, Sean Bean, Jean Reno (The Professional), Stellan Skarsgård, and Jonathan Pryce.


The traditional bond car is a Austin Martin DB5, but its not the only car he drives, during the Pierce Brosnan series, he drove the BMW due to better sponsorship deals.


My only experience with Goldeneye is on N64, and we ALL had a friend who always played as Oddjob because there was no vertical aiming and he was the shortest character. Edit : This movie looks like it's from the 70's with those effects and sounds. Very entertaining movie though!

Vwlss Nvwls

Natalia is my favorite Bond girl. She has all three Esses... Strong, Smart, and Sexy. Denise Richard's Christmas was my least favorite. Dumb character that was poorly portrayed.

Vwlss Nvwls

This movie had the very best teaser trailer/trailers. It had the Bond music playing, and a silhouette figure shoots words on the screen to make 007, then walks into the light and it is Pierce Brosnan, at which point he says "you were expecting someone else?". Because this was his first Bond film.


Another good Pierce Brosnan film to watch that is not James Bond is Dante's Peak 1997


The best Bond girl is Melina (Carole Bouquet) from "For Your Eyes Only" (1981) and second place goes to Pam Bouvier (Carey Lowell) from "License to Kill" (1989).

Raven Dark

When this went up, I must have missed it somehow. I know this is a hot take, but most Bond movies are just okay to me. This is the only one I love. And for me, Natalia takes top spot for Bond Girl.

Raven Dark

Finally had a chance to watch the whole reaction, and I loved it. I really enjoyed how you both embraced the over the top stunts and jokes, but also how into the fight scenes and action scenes you were. Totally agree about the tension in the pen scene with Boris. That was really well done. In my opinion, the other Bond movies with Broznan are a little too silly, but I love this one. And I agree with you both--he's such a beautiful man. It's not fair how hot he is. George, I think in the scene at the start with the bungie jump, Simone was so surprised for two reasons. First, while Bungie jumping is a thing even outside of stunts, that one was really high. Second, nowadays, they would more than likely rely on CGI to do that stunt today, whereas a person did that one for real. Like with Terminator, this was back in the day when, if you wanted someone to fly a helicopter under a bridge, you had to have someone fly a helicopter under a bridge--or in this case, leap off a tall precipice from a cord. Oh, and as to the list of things you guys were talking about at the start, the elements that are quintessentially Bond. Along with gadgets, sleeping with a lot of women, and whatever else you mentioned, I'd add the awesome one-liners, and the crazy plot armor. LOL Fantastic reaction, Simone and George. And now, I have a very strong urge to watch your Bourne Identity reaction...