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' "He'll be fine," As Sirius repeated his reassurances for what felt like the fifth time, his arms outstretched once again, Lily couldn't help but feel a twinge of hesitation. The concern etched on her face was evident as she voiced her worries to James, her voice tinged with a hint of uncertainty.

"He's just so little, James... Maybe we should consider—"Interrupting her mid-sentence, James echoed Sirius' words with unwavering conviction, striding over to his wife and gently gathering their son, Harry, into his arms.

A tender smile graced his lips as he brushed a soothing hand over the sleeping infant's cheek."Don't worry, Lily," James affirmed, his voice brimming with assurance. "He'll be absolutely fine. In fact, he'll probably slumber peacefully throughout the entire journey. And besides, Sirius is just as capable of cradling him securely as we are."

"But what if—"

"Sirius has fed him loads of times. And though it's not his favorite," James said with a smirk for his friend, "he can even change a nappy. Can't you, Padfoot?"

Always ready with a playful remark, Sirius responded in jest, "Better than you, mate."

James couldn't help but chuckle, a warm expression of amusement spreading across his face as he concluded, "You're welcome to take over that duty any time, my friend."

With a warm and reassuring smile, Sirius graciously accepted the precious, fragile bundle from his lifelong friend James, his eyes brimming with pride and joy. Lily anxiously nibbled on her lip, her heart fluttering with a mixture of excitement and worry.

As Sirius cradled his godson tenderly against his chest, ensuring his safety and comfort, he whispered softly, almost in a hushed lullaby, "We'll have fun," his voice barely audible so as not to disturb the slumber of the sleeping child.

Observing this tender exchange, Lily, her thoughts momentarily distracted, absently adjusted her shawl, a gesture of comfort and protection, as James lovingly settled it upon her shoulders. Sensing her apprehension, James gently reassured her, his voice filled with unconditional support and trust, "Remus is home... if you need help?"

"He won't need help," James confidently asserted, his voice tinged with a hint of pride. His lips gracefully brushed against her delicate cheek as he affectionately bent down, leaving a lingering warmth. "Stop fussing now... it's only a few hours." he playfully admonished, his voice dripping with reassurance.

Swiftly, she rose up on her tiptoes, gracefully closing the distance between herself and Sirius, planting a tender and purposeful kiss upon his cheek. "Be careful with him," she fervently whispered, her voice carrying an air of both concern and conviction.

With a mischievous twinkle in his eyes and a playful smirk, Sirius grinned, the corners of his mouth curling upward in amusement. "I'll treat him just as I would my own godson," he declared, his voice laced with a hint of playful banter as if daring anyone to question his commitment to the task at hand.

With a smile dancing on her lips, she delicately brushed her fingertips through the unruly shock of Harry's dark hair, savoring the softness beneath her touch. Reluctance lingered in her heart as she took a step back, an invisible thread pulling her towards the familiar warmth of James' embrace.

Like a comforting shield, his arm gracefully curved around her shoulders, offering solace and support. Their footsteps synchronized in unison as he guided her toward the open door. In the final moments before their departure, James turned to face his loyal friend, Sirius, gratitude gleaming in his eyes. "Thanks, Padfoot," he whispered, a fleeting expression of appreciation before they gracefully slipped through the threshold.

With an audible click resonating through the room, the heavy wooden door swung shut, encapsulating Harry and Sirius in their sanctuary's warm embrace. In that precise moment, when the world outside seemed to fade away, Harry's tiny, delicate form instinctively responded to the comforting solitude by unleashing an irresistible yawn, as if the mere act of closing the door had momentarily lifted the weight of the world from his miniature shoulders.

Sirius couldn't help but flash an affectionate grin down at the mesmerizing emerald orbs that mirrored his beloved Lily's, secretly relishing in the shared connection they held. "Good timing, kid," Sirius playfully quipped, his voice laced with a hint of admiration and amusement. With an innocent curiosity gleaming in his eyes, Harry looked up at Sirius, his rosy lips puckering and stretching into an infectious, wide yawn that seemed to touch the very depths of his soul, radiating pure innocence and contentment.

Suppressing a gentle chuckle, Sirius leaned closer to his godson, their eyes locked in an unspoken bond. "None of that, Harry," he whispered, his voice a warm caress in the room's stillness. "Or I'll be asleep too, and your mum will never let me sit with you again."

Harry gazed back at Sirius with solemnity in his innocent eyes; his tiny hand balled up into a fist, which he promptly brought to his rosebud lips.

As Sirius observed this adorable sight, he couldn't resist the urge to brush his forefinger gently along the velvety skin on the back of Harry's plump hand. A knowing smile tugged at the corners of Sirius' lips as he playfully questioned, "Hungry, are we?" Without uttering a word, his godson continued to contently suck on his own fingers.

Undeterred, Sirius turned his attention toward the kitchen, confidently declaring, "I believe I can conjure a bottle for you, my little one. Done it before, haven't we? Even if your dad was right there with us."


It was an hour later, with Harry fed, burped, and changed, that Sirius wondered if maybe Lily had been right and he was pants at this godfather thing. Absolute pants. Why else was Harry still crying?

Time seemed to stretch endlessly for Sirius as he stood there, swaying gently from side to side, his gaze occasionally flickering towards the clock hanging on the wall. The room was filled with an air of tension as if the hands of time were mocking him with their sluggish crawl. Harry was in the crook of his arm, nestled safely against his chest.

But there was no comfort in the way Harry's face contorted; his tiny features scrunched up in a mix of discomfort and misery. It was a sight that tugged at Sirius's heartstrings, threatening to shatter the organ into a million fragile pieces. The minutes ticked by relentlessly, and Sirius's desperation grew by the second. He knew he had to do something, anything, to soothe the inconsolable baby in his arms.

The cries that pierced the air were not only a distress signal to his ears but also a painful reminder of his helplessness. He longed to understand what plagued little Harry, but all he received in return were heart-wrenching wails devoid of any words or clues.

With a tenderness born out of love and concern, Sirius whispered soothingly to the baby, his voice laced with a mixture of frustration and affection. "Come on, little Harry," he crooned, his words a gentle melody amidst the cacophony of cries. "What's the matter, my dear?"Yet, as much as Sirius yearned for an answer, he knew it was an impossible request. Harry was too young to articulate his woes, leaving Sirius to navigate the labyrinth of his cries with nothing but a heavy heart and unwavering determination.

Sirius glanced toward the fireplace, a quick, calculating moment of desperation as he considered interrupting Remus. And even though Sirius knew that Remus would come instantly, he sighed and quickly disregarded the thought. He could do this.

In a tender tone, Sirius confessed to his godson, "Your mum thinks I'm a bit of a dolt when it comes to babies," Harry let out a wailing cry to validate his mother's opinion. Fueled by a mischievous spirit, Sirius continued, "Now, we wouldn't want your dear mother to return home only to discover that her assumptions were right, would we?"

Ironically, his adorable godson seemed to agree with his mother's assessment."Oh, you mischievous little brat," Sirius affectionately chided, a warm smile playing on his lips. "Your father will never let me hear the end of it." Adjusting his grip, Sirius allowed the blanket to glide gently down to the floor while he held Harry aloft, bringing their faces mere centimeters apart. The vibrant hue of Harry's flushed cheeks was almost mirrored in Sirius's own expression of playful amusement.

The silence was instantaneous.

Harry's little arms and legs flailed, flinging out reflexively with the loss of the cocoon that Sirius had kept him in all night.

"Oh ho," Sirius exclaimed, a mischievous glint dancing in his eyes as he observed the startled expression etched upon his godson's face, a delicious delight spreading across his own features. The corners of his mouth curled into an impish grin, mirroring the sheer amusement that twinkled in his gaze.

"Like that, do you?" he playfully prodded, relishing in the enchanting blend of astonishment and curiosity that consumed Harry's wide, emerald eyes. As Harry's mind processed the newfound perspective, his eyes widened further, absorbing the intricate details of the scene unfolding before him.

Carefully mindful not to overwhelm the young boy with too much excitement, Sirius gently lifted him once again, ensuring a steady balance as he defied gravity's constraints. A rich, hearty laughter erupted from his chest, a joyous soundtrack to the second wave of astonishment that washed over Harry like a tidal wave.

Drawing his godson close, Sirius wrapped his arms around the small. A playful twinkle danced in his eyes as he puckered his lips, planting a slobbery raspberry upon the flushed warmth of Harry's cheek. The unexpected gesture elicited a resplendent smile, the embodiment of pure and unadulterated happiness, blossoming on the young boy's face like a radiant sunflower in full bloom.

With a cheerful grin spread across his face, Sirius exclaimed, "Ah, now that's the spirit!" As he playfully nudged Harry's shirt upward using his nose, he puckered his lips and blew a gentle kiss against the round expanse of Harry's belly. The effect was instantaneous, as a radiant smile illuminated Harry's visage, causing his emerald eyes to shimmer with delight.

Filled with exuberance, Sirius couldn't help but bounce on his toes, his excitement palpable. In a playful but admonishing tone, he remarked, "Should have just told me you were tired of being wrapped up." Shaking his head in mock disapproval. Harry responded with an adorable coo, affirming Sirius' words, prompting him to nod in agreement. "You're right... my fault for thinking you were a sausage."

Sirius, with his vibrant eyes gleaming with joy, settled himself comfortably onto the plush sofa, the soft cushions cradling his weary body. As he gazed down at the adorable bundle of pure innocence that was Harry, a mischievous grin curved his lips. With gentle precision, he delicately adjusted Harry's tiny form on the cushion before him, ensuring every inch of the little one was perfectly positioned for maximum comfort. As Sirius's fingers danced along Harry's plump tummy, the sound of his infectious laughter filled the room, echoing like sweet music. A sense of protective warmth flowed through Sirius as he kept his hands securely on either side of Harry, creating a sturdy fortress, shielding the precious baby from any potential harm. With a tender voice, he whispered, "Don't want you to fall."

With his tiny fingers curled into fists, little Harry emitted a joyous gurgle in perfect harmony with Sirius' playful banter. The corners of Sirius' mouth curved into a warm smile as he leaned down to plant yet another tender kiss upon Harry's soft forehead, relishing in the unconditional love that radiated between them.

As the kiss landed, Harry's tiny hand came into contact with Sirius' cheek, issuing a resounding smack that elicited a hearty chuckle from the besotted adult. "Quite an arm you've got there, kid," Sirius remarked, his voice filled with admiration and amusement.

Seizing the opportunity to engage in a delightful game, Sirius gently clasped Harry's pudgy fist, playfully swinging it back and forth as if it were a triumphant victory gesture. With wide eyes alight with excitement, Sirius exaggerated the impact of another imaginary strike to his cheek, mirroring Harry's infectious grin. In that fleeting moment, amidst the laughter and mirth, Sirius whispered softly, almost as if sharing a secret with his tiny confidant, "Yes, my dear Harry, we'll be just fine, you and me."



As the evening unfolded in Godric's Hollow, Lily could feel the weight of her anxiety gradually lifting, like a mist dissipating under the warm embrace of a rising sun. With every step they took, hand in hand, her worries seemed to fade into the background, replaced by a sense of tranquility. James gently guided her towards the stoop, their final destination for the night.

Just as they stepped onto the stoop, a sigh of relief escaped James' lips, his voice laced with a hint of playfulness. "There now," he said, his eyes gleaming with a mischievous twinkle, "that wasn't so bad, was it?" Lily's heart danced with newfound contentment, a smile gracing her face as she gazed affectionately at him. "Not entirely unpleasant," she replied, her words carrying a mixture of gratitude and adoration.

With a mischievous twinkle in his eyes, James leaned in and planted a tender kiss on Lily's lips, causing an electric surge of excitement to course through their bodies. As they embraced, their arms entwined like vines, pulling each other closer.

Against the backdrop of their passionate connection, James couldn't help but flash a triumphant grin, his heart swelling with love and desire. Lost in the moment's intensity, Lily's fingers curled around the nape of James' neck, the warmth of their bodies melding together against the solid wooden door. "Maybe we should ask Sirius to watch Harry for another hour..."

However, amidst their passionate fervor, a playful thought crossed Lily's mind, breaking the spell momentarily. With a light, tinkling laugh, she gently pushed James away, planting her hands firmly on his chest, creating a small gap between them. Her eyes twinkled mischievously as she playfully retorted, "I'm not asking Sirius to watch Harry while we have sex upstairs."

As James whispered into her ear, his voice a velvety caress, he playfully questioned, "Who said anything about being upstairs?" He drew her closer with a gentle yet firm embrace, their bodies melding together as if in a timeless dance.

A surge of passion surged through him as he pressed his lips against hers, indulging in a deep, intoxicating kiss that left them both breathless. In the tender moments that followed, she nestled her head against his shoulder, her delicate movements evoking a sense of contentment. James found solace in burying his face in her fragrant tresses, inhaling the sweet essence that enveloped him like a bouquet of blooming flowers.

Alas, the world beckoned, and with a heavy heart, he reluctantly murmured, "Regrettably, We'd better go," In a gesture of longing, she delicately brushed her lips against the nape of his neck, an exquisite farewell to their stolen moments of bliss.

As they stood at the entrance of their cozy home, she gently reminded him, a warm smile blossoming on her lips, "Harry sleeps through the night now." The words carried the weight of relief and contentment, infusing him with a renewed sense of joy and hope.

He swung open the door. With a playful glimmer in his eyes, he led the way inside, his heart brimming with anticipation. His gaze landed on a sight that tugged at his heartstrings and drew a hearty chuckle from his lips. There, nestled in one of the armchairs, Sirius Black lay sound asleep, cradling their little Harry against his broad shoulder.

Unraveling his wife's wrap from her delicate frame, James gallantly took it upon himself to hang it up, a small act of chivalry that spoke volumes of his devotion. As their steps drew them closer to the slumbering duo, he couldn't help but comment, a playful twinkle in his eyes, "Wore him out, didn't we?"

A low grumble escaped Sirius' lips as he half-awakened from his blissful nap, cracking open one eye to peer at his mischievous friend.

James couldn't resist a smirk, savoring the opportunity to tease him, "Just resting your eyes, huh? Looks like you fell asleep, old mate."

Sirius, feeling the heaviness of exhaustion weighing down his eyelids, let out a wide yawn that seemed to stretch his entire being. "Didn't...," he began to say, barely managing to form the words amidst his sleep-soaked state.

But alas, even as he spoke, his drowsiness betrayed him, causing his voice to trail off into a mere whisper. With a genuine curiosity shining in his eyes, Sirius mustered the strength to ask, "Have fun?" The question escaped his lips in a hushed tone, accompanied by yet another yawn threatening to consume him whole.

Lily adjusted the soft, comforting blanket draped over Harry's small shoulder, ensuring he remained warm and protected. Her gentle touch conveyed both love and reassurance as she replied, her voice laced with warmth, "We did." As her words hung in the air, Lily's anxiety peeked through, prompting her to ask, her voice tinged with concern, "He wasn't any trouble, was he?" She anxiously sought confirmation, hoping that her son's presence had not inconvenienced Sirius in any way.

A surge of weariness enveloped Sirius, but despite the fatigue etched across his face, his lips curved into a tired yet content smile. "Kid's an angel," he declared, his voice filled with genuine admiration and affection.

Lily, her shoulders burdened with tension, visibly relaxed, the weight of her worries lifting. A sense of relief flooded her as she realized that everything had gone smoothly. "I'd better put him into his cot," she murmured, her voice a gentle whisper.

With determination shining in his eyes, Sirius declared, "I'll do it!" As his gaze widened, revealing the intensity of his commitment, he added, "It'll jostle him less." Rising to his feet in a deliberate manner, he ensured Harry's comfort by maintaining a gentle hand placed upon his back.

A fleeting flutter of his godson's eyelids hinted at the faint stirrings of consciousness, yet his deep and tranquil breaths persisted throughout their ascent up the stairs. It was only when Sirius tenderly placed him upon his cot that Harry's slumber was momentarily disrupted, causing him to stir ever so slightly.

"Go back to sleep... there we are..." Sirius hummed softly, some tune that James didn't know. But it did the trick; Harry's eyes drifted closed, his fist finding it's way back to his mouth somehow. Sirius grazed a thumb over one of his cheeks, smiling. "Night..."

At the doorway, Lily and James stood side by side, their expressions radiant with gratitude as they witnessed the tenderness Sirius had bestowed upon their son. "We truly appreciate you being here with him," Lily expressed, her voice filled with warmth and appreciation.

A mischievous glint sparkled in James' eyes as he playfully nudged Sirius' arm. "We had fun," he teased, a hint of laughter lacing his words. Turning to Lily, he suggested, "Want to do it again next Saturday?"

A genuine smile graced Sirius' features, his eyes twinkling with anticipation. "Count me in," he replied, his voice carrying a genuine eagerness.

Harry's cries reverberated through the room; the sudden outpouring of sound captured the attention of all present. With his eyes tightly shut and tears streaming down his rosy cheeks, the infant's distress filled the air, resonating with a raw intensity. A hue of crimson flushed across his face, painting a vivid picture of his anguish. The room was tense with concern as Lily, James, and Sirius took hesitant steps toward the infant. But just as they were about to reach him, a magical moment unfolded before their eyes. Harry's eyelids fluttered open, revealing a pair of wide, enchanting green eyes that had transformed into a brilliant gold, shimmering like celestial stars.

Everyone was taken aback except James, who understood what that meant, his eyes filled with a knowing glimmer. As a hush fell over the air, he mustered up the courage to interject, his voice trembling with urgency, "W-wait, Harry-" James's heart raced as he grasped the gravity of the situation, fully aware of the impending danger that loomed. However, his words were futile as Harry unleashed a surge of raw magical power cascading through the atmosphere, creating a swirling vortex that forcefully repelled everything in its path. The world around Harry transformed into a tempest of displaced objects, swept away by the sheer force of his untamed energy.

The impact was jarring, particularly for Sirius, who found himself forcefully slammed against a wall, his back throbbing with pain and his right shoulder bearing the brunt of the impact. Despite the disorientation and bewilderment that engulfed him, Sirius stubbornly shook off the discomfort, his determination overshadowing the physical anguish. His eyes sought out Harry, who now lay peacefully in Lily's arms, seemingly unaffected by the cataclysmic display of power. Meanwhile, James nervously massaged his neck, a reflexive gesture betraying his unease, before finally exhaling a breath he didn't realize he had been holding.

As Sirius gathered himself and rose to his feet, a peculiar heaviness settled upon the room, causing every breath to feel burdensome, as if the very air had transformed into an oppressive force.

"W-what was that?" Despite the suffocating atmosphere, Sirius managed to find his voice, albeit with great difficulty, and his words served as a stark reminder to his friends that he remained present in their midst. In response to Sirius's inquiry, James drew in a deep breath, his expression shifting from one of casualness to an intensity that sent tremors of unease through Sirius's veins.

It was a gaze that Sirius had only seen James employ in the past, during the harrowing incident when Severus had narrowly escaped death when Lupin had turned into a werewolf. With a gravity that carried the weight of their shared history, James's words sliced through the heavy air, commanding Sirius's attention. "Sirius," he demanded, his once playful tone now as frigid as ice, "what you saw here is never to be discussed with anyone else outside of this room," '


Gazing out of the grand window, Sirius Black's eyes watched with intrigue as a colorful array of the boisterous Weasley materialized before the humble abode of the Tonks family, brought together by a portkey. Among the sea of red hair and freckles, Hermione Granger, the brilliant witch with unruly curls, stood out. A mischievous grin played on Sirius' lips as he observed the scene with amusement. In a whirlwind of excitement, Hermione sprinted towards Harry and embraced him with such fervor that their bodies nearly toppled to the earth below, much to Sirius' delight.

It had been three days since Harry had arrived at Tonks's house. Though his heart swelled with joy at the sight, Sirius's attention was swiftly drawn to a seemingly insignificant figure, the treacherous rat.

Like a predator honing in on its prey, Sirius's lips curled into a chilling smile, a potent mixture of anticipation and vengeance. The wait had been arduous, filled with endless nights haunted by the specter of betrayal. But now, Peter Pettigrew will see Sirius's wrath.

Chapter 25 (Harry's Wrath)



Awwww..... Sirius with baby Harry was just too adorable for words. Awesome job.


What was Lily and Sirius’ relationship? He referred to her as ‘beloved’, was it unrequited or strictly platonic or something between all 3?


I swear I have read this before


I would say they were best friends with no romantic feelings whatsoever.


Isn’t this the same as a previous chapter?


This is a repeat chapter, the value of it is in the last paragraph that could have been included in start of Chapter 25. Great story tho