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Watch "SpyXFamily 1x16 full" on Streamable.



cant wait for them to get company

Matthew Bankston

So I believe what Yor made was traditional Hungarian Goulash. I've actually made this dish myself. The ingredients and the look of the dish appear the same. Definitely Hungarian by the sour cream being a key component in the stew's final flavor. I emphasize "Traditional Hungarian" unfortunately when most people think Goulash they think the ground beef, egg noodle version made in the United States.


Is it just me or is the video out of sync with the audio? I've noticed it on some of your reactions, most of them are good but there are some that have huge problems with voice being heard earlier than the video is showing. It seem to get worse aswell further in the video compared to early on. Maybe its happening when you have been recording too long. Restarting OBS might help with the issue. idk