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Watch "bleach14x32" on Streamable.


Markub El Jaden

Can anyone delete the comment made by Dre above?

The Lady Miz Diva

If you are mentioning/revealing/alluding to ANYTHING that they have not yet watched. ANYTHING that was not mentioned/did not already take place, or ANYTHING that happens after the point in the anime where T&T are watching. IT. IS. A. SPOILER. They have been very clear about not wanting any type of spoilers, even in the theme songs and intros. Even if they ask, "Who's that?" upon seeing a new face. They are not asking us to tell them. That is a rhetorical question, or exclaiming out loud. They did not ask anyone to actually answer them. Just like everybody else who has watched the anime, they will find out in their own time. I'm sure we all want to be helpful, and are all excited to watch with them, and it's not meant to be harmful, however, please do not volunteer advance information unless they specifically say, "Tell us in the comments."