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Alice 1x3 full

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This is one of my favorite episodes! I was in tears over characters i literally just met


This episode hurt not gonna lie


When if first saw this episode i thought there was gonna be a twist that the wolf dies and everyone is fighting and betraying one another to be the wolf without knowing. I thought at the end Arisu was gonna give it to his friend to live and the Chota, arisu and the girl would live. Never have i ever seen them off the main cast in episode 3. I was shook

Montreal Bond

Just finished the series. This episode was hard to watch.

Yolo Samurai

There are actually several working theories that this game is beatable and everyone could survive. The clue to beating the game is actually in the instructions. The theory that is probably the most popular is that the sheep are suppose to get behind the wolf and the wolfs collar can be removed. Then once the collar is removed another person becomes the wolf and the cycle continues until everyone is free, but thats just one theory. It makes it that much more tough to think that they might have all been able to make it out if they didn't panic.


Just comparing Squid Game to this show... I didn't feel like this had much impact because us viewers really didn't get invested in Chota and Karube... At least Squid Game spent 5 episodes building up their backstories and us viewers getting invested in Ali/Old Man/SangByok


Have to majorly disagree with this. Karube, Chota, and Arisu friendship was really well executed. I was balling my eyes out when they decided to sacrifice for him. In squid games it was always known we were going to lose characters that weren't the main 3. So there wasn't that surprising/ guy wrenching feeling that comes with losing a character like it did here


sorry to bother y’all but season 4 of young justice has release. first 2 episodes are on hbo max now!