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Titans 3x5 full

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Marlon Eric

Frfr, I know this episode explained the Jason/Red Hood dynamic and his partnership with Scarecrow, but I agree - there's no redemption arc for Jason. You killed Hank man lol

Reckless Company

theres redemption for jason i agree he can never join the team but lets be honest this is bruce fault i dont want jason to die but he needs to atone i know that girl gonna die trying to save him. plus hank would have never died if hank would have listened to dick and not met jason alone plus if dawn was more patient and no pulled the tigger hank would have been fine.

Reckless Company

i also had a theory that his "happy juice" is making jason susceptible to suggestions but i could be totally wrong lol. the fact the drugs is taking all his emotions is a bad combo cuz lazarus pit is know to make people super evil it low key takes ur good soul away once u add crane drugs to that its over which is why im conflicted about jason the messed up part is i liked him better than hank im hoping jason snaps out of it and pays for his crimes but knowing this show and how dark it is jason is gonna die in a brutal way.


Jason is a lost soul. Kill him and move on. I just feel like after killing Hank there really doesn't need to be a redemption arc for him. If he was as back and forth and confused as this episode makes him out to be, he showed none of it when he was attaching a very complicated bomb to Hank's chest. I mean how long would it take to put that thing in someone? The whole time he was doing it where was this sense of confusion about his morals? Jason is dead, Red Hood is here. Kill him and move on.