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The Flash 7x12 full

Watch "The Flash 7x12 full" on Streamable.


Kade Wilson

on one hand it’s sad that he has to go but on the other hand it may be good for flashes character to have less help at star labs so he can start becoming a truer version of the flash


I cringed when Caitlin said 'He da Bomb'

Dana (Dah-Nah)

Barry's always so pissed about Thawne and dragged Nora's ass back to the future cause she got help from him so she could meet her father, and yet they just have a picture of him chilling around the lab?


This episode hit me in the feels gonna miss Cisco but can’t wait for the other characters to grow more

Kade Wilson

oh yea @tasha i think the cisco scene you were talking about was young justice season 3 before victor got his powers. There was a big guy with cyborgs old VA and a guy name cisco he was talking to i think