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X-Men 97 1x8 full

Watch "X-Men 97 1x8 full" on Streamable.



Oh thank god

Jamil Hicks

My boy omega red!!!!!!!


the discussion today had me weakk

Anthony Cook

Wow, just wow! This series can't miss right now! Love all the cameos, fight scenes and all the new information that we learned in this episode! Another 10/10 episode and reaction! 😁




Also, I think Tre is right. We gotta go back and make it to where Bastion is born normal. Either that or have Wanda whisper ‘No. more. Bastion.’


Tasha's point on Magneto is on point! He's going to probably release his past trauma now that the gloves are off. Here for it!

Jasmine King

Kurt's dad is Azazel, and depending on the era, Mystique as Azazel.

Jasmine King

Rogue got knocked tf out! Idk why she hasn't bounced back yet, but I'm sure it's the punch that took her out.

Jasmine King

I want to add... isn't there a Spiderman series coming out that is in the style of the old style comics?

D Mtt

What's crazy is that they're talking about writers not being afraid to kill off characters. I honestly think every X-Man is fair game to be killed off, except for Storm. I don't think the writers would kill her off. Interestingly enough, since she first appeared, Storm has never been killed off in the comics. There are times she might have faked her death, but the character has never been written out of the comic books by death like characters such as Jean, Scott, or Professor X.


that boys Mama is trash.


Also, just to bring it up: Magneto is no fool. He’s so tactical. He didn’t go to the North Pole for no reason. The North Pole is where the magnetic sphere and its energies are at their peak. So Magneto (knowing and feeling this) used it to amplify his very own ElectroMagnetic Pulse. All in order to completely pulverize the mechanics and inner workings of EVERY advanced sentinel. THAT is some Omega level shit for yo ass!!! #MagnetowasRight


And you can’t even say anything to Magneto and his rage. Cuz this muthafucker tried. He really tried. He gave humanity chance after chance after chance to be the ‘superior race’ but no
you SHOULD have actually killed him in Genosha. Cuz now? You won’t be able to say ANYTHING to him. And I don’t blame him.


‘Sometimes y’all push the wrong people. That man came from an oppressed past: and he does not want an oppressed future.” That’s some real shit right there!! And yall right. This was just ONE Omega level mutant. And unfortunately Sentinels are no longer made with plated metals. They switched to hardened plastoids specifically so Magneto couldn’t manipulate them. Thats why he couldn’t just straight up Crush them and had to go to one of the Earth’s poles. So he could amplify his EMP.


.a Storm is coming


Whatever is about to happen Magneto ain’t do nothing wrong. He tried he really did. But I’m behind him on this war


Yup. You said it perfectly. I agree 6000%


And Charles better keep his Gahdayum mouth shut.




Yall? Ima just say it
they let Him down.

Lilac Flute

Magneto looks sexy asf in this episode...that's all <3

Lilac Flute

Also, that vision Professor X had with Gambit in skeleton form when he found out he died makes sense now

Lilac Flute

Magneto, from what I remember, can fly at 268 mph, and also trans-light speeds (which is faster than standard universe light speed limitations)

Foy Reed

The last episode Rogue got sucker punched by Trask. His punch was so strong that it knocked her out.


okay okay. after rewatching this for the bajillionth time, it finally hit me. the part when Wolverine says "Magneto just declared war." It wasn't just because he killed all the Prime-Sentinels; that EMP took out everything. Any electronics, planes, nuclear facilities, communications, etc...ANY technology; Magneto just single-handedly put the humans back in the Stone-Age. I won't sugarcoat it; He just killed (at least) hundreds of thousands of people. THAT is why Wolverine said that. THAT is why Magento's first word after all the time in chains (again) was "enough." Because he was no longer going to pull his punches. if no matter what he does, they're gonna think mutant-kind are monsters no matter what? so be it, then Monsters we will become. And honestly? I am still team Magneto. and miss Tasha and Tre said it already...yall need to stop pushing people. cuz those people will eventually have ... enough.

Judge Doom

Bastion's voice sound like Zanatos from Gargoyles.