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Say it with me now- 

Unrealized losses are.....

NOT real. They don't exist. They don't exist. They don't exist. They don't exist. They don't exist. They don't exist. They don't exist. They don't exist. They don't exist. They don't exist. They don't exist. They don't exist. They don't exist. They don't exist. They don't exist. They don't exist. They don't exist. They don't exist. They don't exist. They don't exist. They don't exist. They don't exist. They don't exist. They don't exist. They don't exist. They don't exist. They don't exist. They don't exist.

Fortunately the BBBY trade worked out. 

Unfortunately, it's basically the only thing that has been working out recently. 

However, I remain a staunch bull. I think if there was ever a time to be bullish, it's right now. 

If I'm sticking to my psychological guns, my assumption is that people are overestimating how terrible this recession is going to be, and thus pricing in the worst possible outcome. Isn't that how fear works? 

Isn't that why the Variance Risk Premium exists? 

Being that I made an entire fucking video about it, it would be disingenuous to be anything but bullish right now. 

I'll be a bull to the bitter end. 



Make a video retard!

Luka Schuller

I will personally donate you the returns from 1 to 1 inverse ben portfolio if you upload constantly


I subscribed to the Patreon just to tell you to make a video


Bro deleted his Palantir video, feels bad


michael burry also has some annalysis about the market and some other cool things that you could plager- adapt.


You could do a video on spreads and their place in a portfolio. Debit vs Credit, etc.


The market is acting very weird however the way the market sold off no being able to sustain any level for long enough, there will def be a bounce but wether or not it will last a day or a week is tough and that overestimation of ppl thinking the market will tank is when it will happen. I’m also poor so what do I know