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Hey all, tons of you voted for these Strixhaven tokens, so here's the one for May, a Fractal! Is this nature's response to science going to far? Simic biomagic in a gruul, gruul world? I guess some species are better left undiscovered! Anyways, this guy is going to be our sparkly token for May! Cutoff for changing pledges is the 31st!

On a non-related note, I totally forgot to update you about the fact that I finished up shipping the Construct wave (Wave 72) a week or so ago! I'm still a bit behind on shipping, and going to get to work on the Pest wave next! And of course I'm ALSO behind on answering messages, so I'll hop on that next week! :)

And then one final thing, I'm sure you've seen the Modern Horizons spoilers - what do you say, should I do a Squirrel token for next month? Seems more than necessary!

Either way, I hope you like this little guy, and thank you so much for the support :)





Mr. Pendulum

We've already got squirrel's and they're perfect.


A black lotus token would be awesome


OK I would have loved to see your rainbow work in the Fractals but I'm WAYYY more excited that you have ACTUAL fractals :3


Yes please to the squirrels!


Yeeess!! I just thought of Squirriles!!!! or Black Lotus!


I'm down for another squirrel! But +1 for a Black Lotus token as well!




Please please give us a squirrel token!


As squirrels already happened, another token would be amazing. Perhaps a lotus (maybe a black one? wink, wink.)


I'm going to be contrarian (?) and say more squirrel tokens are always welcome :) it can always be chonkier second alternate vote is for black lotus token


Think we need a set of tokens for that Garth one eye card 🤣


Black Lotus token could be cool, now that that's a thing that exists. :3



Mr. Pendulum

Please don't do the lotus. The random ones that one specific card makes won't be used by most of us. Think of all the tokens that have multiple cards producing them that haven't gotten there time to shine yet.


They could be more vicious looking squirrels this go around to match the feel of the set.


Make a Demon or Horror token. You could also tinker with Eldrazi, and Germs are coming back. You’ve done some great things with lighthearted or nature-bound creatures, but the Nightmare was one of my favorites for being so nontraditionally Voss. I want to see how dark your mind will go. No Lotus, though. I agree that those tokens are too niche. Besides, you already made a Lotus token, although you called it “Angel Warrior” for some silly reason. ;-D




I agree and support the black lotus suggestions!! :)

Mitz Loki


Mitz Loki

...followed by ferrets