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For those of you that are new, this post triggers the payment process, which gives me addresses, allowing me to ship you sweet tokens, including the sparkly Wurmcoil Engine tokens!

They should ship around Dec 20th and if you are a Patron at the time of this post, they're coming to you! Please allow a shipping runtime of between 1(if you're in Europe) and 3-4ish weeks, depending on where in the world you live! I've restarted shipping and have, after a TON of work, caught up with the backlog! So from now on, tokens will go out on schedule like they used to! :)

As always, if there's anything that seems off or if there's something missing or if you have suggestions or any other questions, just let me know! Simply send me a message on here - I'm happy to help!

All the best, and thank you!



Hello. Apologies lol. I forgot to set my pledge for this month, is there a way to make changes still?


Hello Johannes! I resubbed today would I be on the list for the Wurm token? Just checking to see if this post included me


Hi am I too late for the Wurmcoil Engine tokens? Just pledged today looking to get one.


Same, only now found out about these. Ill keep subscribed anyway, but those wurms are just too gorgeous and I hoped I wouldn't be too late.


Mine in the eastern coast of the US arrived last week


I still haven’t received the Wurm tokens, I’m on West Coast US

Mark Metzler

... Now that you mention it, I never recieved this one either.... :(