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Hey all! I was hoping to be able to post this earlier, but I kept on finding things I wanted to add, it turned into such an involved piece! I'm really happy with the result though and I hope you'll enjoy it! Moving into a Cyberpunk direction felt like the right choice for Wurmcoil Engine and allowed me to explore some totally different colors - it's important to me that these read properly at card size, especially in this case.

Anyways, this is our sparkly token for November, adjust your pledge until the end of the month as always! :)





Oh, this is niiiice. It sucks that I'm going to miss out on it because my bank didn't get my replacement credit card to me on time.

Amir bin Amir

Hol up, we getting two tokens this month too?


Dang, that's banks for you! There'll be a Kickstarter in spring for all those you miss out on! :)


Now thats what Im talkin about!!


So if we want this one we choose the $18 pledge total? Or will it be the Patreon exclusive in the $10


Saw you post this on the MTG subreddit and just had to have these tokens. Absolutely fantastic.


These look fantastic! I'm a big fan of both designs


My only wish is if they were facing two different directions I think that would make it easier to see on board as well. I'm not sure how difficult that is in the process though